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Breathing Discomfort When Jogging?

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So this evening I went to the local park for a jog. (Haven't had a jog for AGES)


I jogged medium pace around this grass field and then about 2 laps in, I started feeling this discomfort in my chest area when I breathed IN.


When I jogged, I breathed deep not fast.


The discomfort was between my throat and lungs. (I feels like I'm trying to breathe TOO MUCH air into my lungs and my lungs can't hold that much...)


Well I stopped jogging when the pain didn't go away. But ever since then (it's been 5 hours), whenever I try to take a DEEP breath, I get this discomfort. Normal breathing feels perfectly fine.


Is this of any concern? I've never had any breathing issues in the past, and I'm perfectly healthy.

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It sounds like your heart isn't used to beating at a faster pace. Your respiratory system will ache from trying to suck in a bunch of air in order to oxygenate all the blood pumping through your body.


When you're done jogging, don't stop all of a sudden. Slow down gradually. Walk fast and put your hands on your hips or behind your head to open up your chest and lungs. Your heartbeat and breathing will not have to work as hard to match the pace of your body and you will feel much better. I get that chest/breathing pain too sometimes, but only if I don't do my fast walk cooldown.

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It's spring, and there's lots of pollen in the air... even people who don't normally have allergies can be affected by pollen in the Spring... your lungs can get a bit congested from that. You may feel stuffy or your chest also feel tight if you're having a mild allergic reaction, and difficulty breathing if you have asthma or a severe reaction.

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It sounds like your heart isn't used to beating at a faster pace. Your respiratory system will ache from trying to suck in a bunch of air in order to oxygenate all the blood pumping through your body.


When you're done jogging, don't stop all of a sudden. Slow down gradually. Walk fast and put your hands on your hips or behind your head to open up your chest and lungs. Your heartbeat and breathing will not have to work as hard to match the pace of your body and you will feel much better. I get that chest/breathing pain too sometimes, but only if I don't do my fast walk cooldown.


Thank you, I think this is it. Yeah I did walk 2 more laps to "cool down".


It's spring, and there's lots of pollen in the air... even people who don't normally have allergies can be affected by pollen in the Spring... your lungs can get a bit congested from that. You may feel stuffy or your chest also feel tight if you're having a mild allergic reaction, and difficulty breathing if you have asthma or a severe reaction.


It's Autumn where I live, but come to think of it, I think I did have some sort of hay fever/dust allergy reaction sometime last year.


Thanks for your reply.

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