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ex broke up with me help me change

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ok so my ex broke up with me a month and a half ago. i need to change myself for future relationships.i am not trying to get into a relationship now. but i also dont want to make the same mistake in the future. i want to say how i acted before the break up. i will be posting things day by day. as they come to mind. so read the last post if there is alot.im not trying to get back with my ex. since she was the one to break it up, meaning she does not love me any more.the reason she broke up with me was because she said she did not feel comfterable in her own skin. she was abused as a kid. she freaked out on me. she scared me the way she acted. telling me she felt uncomfterable with herself. and telling me she wanted to die. well her mom did not know about her been abused to i told her. because i wanted my ex to get help. my ex girlfriends mom called me later. and told me things i did wrong. which only my ex knew about. pretty much her mom told me off. thats when i knew my ex was talking about me.my ex whent to therapy for one day. then they told her she no longer needed it. she initiated contact sixteen days ago. . but i told her i need space to heal.


one thing is i was her first ever bf, her first love. im thinking of the things i did wrong that her mom told me. i did not even know i hurt her feelings when i said the things i did. or did the things i did. she acted like it did not even bother her. but i can be wrong. my family told me i did everything right. there is things i should of said differently but it was not that bad.they say she was lucky to have some one like me. because im the type of person that is hard to find.but im sure they said that because i was family. my ex girlfriends mom told me to come clean with everything she told me. which i did not feel like i had to hide anything so i just told them what she told me.later in the future i dont want to make the same mistake. like i said she went to therapy for one day. they told her she was ok.


so i know she broke up with me for another reason. i want to become a better person.after this intro i will say how i was in the relationship and how she was. you can tell me how you would of acted.

i will talk about this sections




whatever comes to mind when the days go by

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ok for the caring part of the relaationship. i always tried been there for her no matter what. i would show her i can be her friend and her bf.her family always talked about her. saying she is to big. saying she is to lazy. i always told her she was beutiul.that she was perfect. there was times i was going to spend time with my family. she sometimes called me sad. telling me about whatever problem she had. i would not spend time with my family to help her out. i have always tried to be there for her. even her family was jelous of me. because she would come to me when there was something wrong.i spoiled her in her birthday. well this part i will tell you later. but her brother would get mad. that i made her happy. even though it was a long distance relationship.i was closer to her . then her brother was with his wife. when we broke up. i was in her house by the way.


for her part in caring. she was there for me at first. if i was sad she would tell me that everything was going to be ok. later on i was there for her more then she was for me.i would get mad at times. because at times i felt like she only cared about herself.


what would you do in this situation?

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