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my girlfriend broke up with me yesterday and i want her back

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Ok this came as a shock to me. Yesterday was the first day she got back from camp, she was gone 5 weeks. And before she left she told me we would be able to talk a lot and I had nothing to worry about. So, she ended up talking to me 2 hours total and not even at all in the last 2.5 weeks. I was really upset about this, so yesterday I kind of went off on her a bit, I mean it wasn't that bad though. And after about 10 mins she was like "Ok obviously this relationship isn't going to work because you have repeatedly proven you don't trust me. I hope we can still be friends and be mature about this." But then I had to go so I couldn't even talk about it to her. She said that I didn't trust that she tried her hardest to talk to me, trust that she was upset about the whole thing too, and trust her about this rumor. The rumor was that she had sex with 2 guys at once and I asked her about it before we started going out and she said it wasn't true. So I believed her, even though I heard a lot of evidence it was true. But, then about a month ago I heard undenyable evidence I thought at the time. So I brought it up again, but my intentions were to point out to her that some of her friends were spreading the rumor so she'd keep an eye on them. It wasn't to question whether or not it was true even though I will admit the thoughts were flying around in my mind and I was going paranoid. She was my first girlfriend, and everything was going so great before she left for 5 weeks. I want her back. I've been depressed this summer without her and I wrote a long letter to her explaining that was why I was so upset that she didn't talk to me, because I felt like no one cared about me and was there for me to help me except her and I couldn't even talk to her. I said things like "I do trust you. I'll tell you anything you want to know. I'll tell you ____ ( I tell her something I've never told anyone). I'll tell you _____ . I'll tell you that I have the smell of your perfume memorized and everytime I smell it my heart beats faster and I'm happier." And I told her how much she means to me and how this was a misunderstanding and how I over-reacted and I was sorry. But, I don't think it will work. I don't know what I will do if I don't get her back.


I wrote this post in a different category yesterday and I didn't get much help, but here's an update:

My girlfriend read the letter and was like "Alex I really appreciated your letter, I have to go soon I just wanted to tell you that. But, I have a lot of things I need to think about." and then i was like ok so we'll talk later about it? and she was like yes. And then we talked quite normally and she told me about a concert she was going to and i got her to laugh. I don't know what this means. Does this mean she like wants me back but needs some time to think first? Or does it mean yea my letter was great and all but she still needs to think about whether she wants me back. Or did the but mean that there's no chance of getting back together? My friend is going to talk to her and she is like her best friend and thinks this is a really good sign and that she really didn't mean to break up with me in the first place (although they haven't talked yet). So I know she will try to get her to stay with me and I tell her everything and my girlfriend knows that she knows almost everything that's going on with me.

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I don't think she meant to break up with you either. You're only fifteen, don't worry...you'll have lots of other girlfriends in your lifetime. Just because this was the first one doesn't mean you'll be together forever. And she just meant the letter probably explained a lot of things to her and showed her that you care about her a lot, but she still needs time to think about things. I'm sure you two will get back together. It might take some time though. Just don't get your hopes too high. Make sure you don't focus everything around this either, there are other things to think about too. Good Luck!!!

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If you go after her it's just going to make things worse. If she's going to come back she'll do it by her self, Hence the infamous no contact rule. Just play it cool and wait for her to come to you. Even then it seems to work to your advantage it play it off as if you don't care for a couple days and then come around slowly. I guess it makes people feel like they had to work hard to win something, and as we all know you treasure things that you had to work from more than things that you were just given.

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We talked for about 4 hours last night and everything seemed to be going great. We didn't even talk about what happened, it was as if we were still together. Every now and then what happened would come up. I told her I trusted her and she says she believed me. She talked so me about somethings that have happened to me recently that I said in the letter. And I asked her what she meant she was thinking about and she said "well you, you and me, and just things in general". I also asked her if she was thinking about us working through it and staying together and she said "yea i am thinking about that yes". And we are going to get together this week to talk about it, so I think this is a really good sign.

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its always gonna be there, i had a simler situation, my girl went away on army annual camp las july for 2 weeks, i thought we were cool, but i found out that she shagged 2 laddes at this camp etc, needless to say we finished, but a few monsth past we got back, and when were togteher i couldnt helop but not , not trust her, se woulod go away on a few weekend camps every weeks and it would eat me up wondering what if, anywas we finsihed not long after that.


lol wow tmy relationship is weird, but anways were engaged now, i even found out a few eeks ago the real truth about happened on that camp! she never once shagged anyone on that camp, and i later found out she was tellin he truth (last nite) i thought i had more than enough evidence to tell her i think sh e is lying, but she wasnt even though everyone else told me different.


do you honastly believe her or the rumours? go with your heart i went with mine, and even though part of me still thought she did cheat on me, were engaged now and i know the truth, if you think your ment to be, then your ment to be, but you have to find out the complete truth about the rumours even if you think she will get , simple sit her down or ova the phone talk bout real close things open up to her, hget her to opne up 2 you then say "babe please dont mad etc" but i just need to know once and for all how or why these rumours came round"


hopefuly you will get the answer your wanting.


is she your 1st love? i know it dont have much to do with the subject , but am curious to see how many people have been in our situations now, i thought i was alone


how many of you had been in this and still got back with the girl?


but serenitynow maybe your best leaving it for bit and start a fresh, try your hardest with her

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Well if by first love you mean am I in love with her, then no. I don't believe I am old enough nor wise enough to be in love yet. We were only together for about 3 months I'd say. But, from the first time we talked I knew that I liked her because we think exactly alike. We share the exact same dreams and thoughts, it's actually kind of weird. But yea, she is my first girlfriend so as I have heard, I will always remember her.

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