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Oh no.... its the weekend

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Well, here we are at a weekend again and true to form I've woken this morning and the flood gates have opened.

I'm starting to get really scared and anxious now at the weekends, I know its just another couple of days but they really hit me hard.

She is off at weekends and living in the home we bought for OUR future which may have something to do with how I'm feeling.

Should I not be feeling better by now ? It has after all been 34 days nc. I know I miss her still and am very much still in love with her but should I really still be so broken ?

Got to go now, have work and to put on a very false face



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Steve! 34 days is a good start, but it`s nothing if you use NC to get your xgf back... The day you use NC to heal and dare to think you might move on, every single day of NC counts as the 34 you just have been trough!


I also hate weekends (got dumped 14 days ago...or was it 3 weeks?) but remember...if she is with someone else, try and find some relief in the fact that you will never tocuh her again if that happened...that would be the ultimate "Im moving on sign" in your face. Stop counting days without her, count the days your being good to yourself and raise your value by setting the standards for what you accept. Are you not worth a woman who loves you back? yes!? Live by it then..

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Well....here's the scientist commenting. Just to put it in a different perspective You still have the chemical issue in your brain that attaches her to you. It will wear off some day. See it as a little illness that takes a long time to recover, or like an addiction you need to withdraw from. You will one day feel better. Try and pull yourself together and DO things. I know you don't want (believe me, I know but you MUST, go to the gym, do some work, help others. Create some goal, no matter how little (clean the house, make that appointment for some sport school or whatever, visit your old grandmother, anything), and achieve it.

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Use all of this pain and suffering to your advantage. When you move on (you will) and when you love again (you will) don't put all your happiness at stake with them. Learn to be happy on your own (eventually this will come.) I went through an absolutely GUTTING break up about 4 years ago. Since then, I've been dumped a few times, and though all have sucked a great deal, none have even been remotely close to as bad as that first one. The past two times my current ex dumped me (we got back together twice) I didn't cry much, but I def. did cry early on in the first few days a few times. This current break up thought, I have not shed a single tear. I guess its because in the back of my mind I held a part of me back (even just a tiny part) for fear of this happening again. Well guess what? It did.

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