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I need a social life!


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Ever since I graduated from high school, I have felt like I don't have many friends. I have my boyfriend and two close friends, who are both planning on moving within a year. I feel like I need friends, but I'm pretty shy so its hard for me to meet people. I get nervous having conversations with people I don't know very well. Any advice on how to have a good conversation with people I don't know well?

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what works for me mostly, when i meet new people and want to connect somehow I try to find something I know about them, just a little bit of info and go from there. Like if I know a certain guy or girl is taking a certain course or maybe they know someone I know then I sort of use that. However, I'm not so good myself when it comes to people I know absolutely nothing about unless i go to a party with someone I know and meet many new people whom i don't know, then usually I ask somebody how they know my friend and blabla...I hope i helped a little bit

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What, when, where, how. Start questions with those words. Listen to what they say, and choose topics they bring up your interested in as well to talk about.


Something as simple as What brought you here? will get you plenty of info to start expanding on to find out more about them.

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