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Could I be pregnant? seems unlikely..


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I didn't have sex with my boyfriend but we were fooling around in bed & I gave him a blowjob. Some of his cum got on my hand and after about 5-10 mins. he tried to suggest feeling myself (sorta teasingly because he didn't think I masturbated & wanted to see me try.) I don't think I touched my vagina but around that area, not really thinking about my hands..I was also on the last day of my period/the day after (very light discharge if any.) It seems very unlikely, but I don't know what to do..I feel irresponsible about laying around in bed naked and doing things without protection, especially if semen was around my area, although not technically in my vagina, close enough..it could still possibly travel down, or if I got any on the sheets..


Basically I'm just looking for advice. This just happened 2 days ago & my bf is saying not to worry but I can't help it..he says if I really want to, I can use the morning after pill, but I'm not sure if it's necessary..


does anyone have any suggestions? I wanted to talk to my doctor about this & start taking the birth control pill in any case, but he's on holidays all this week..





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even if your bf cums inside you, there's still a relatively small chance you'll get pregnant. That doesn't mean you shouldn't always use protection. But it takes a lot for a sperm to reach the egg and fertilize it. Most die on their way up. Believe it or not, the vagina is a very hostile enviornment for a sperm...that's so only the fittest sperm will have the chance to fertilize the egg. You really don't have anything to worry about.

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even if your bf cums inside you, there's still a relatively small chance you'll get pregnant.


Oooh, this is very misleading. If you have full unprotected sex there is a rather HIGH chance you can become pregnant. Yes many sperm die in the process. But lets not forget, it only takes one successful one to cause a pregnancy. Thats why there are millions in each ejaculate. This creates the highest possibility that one will survive the journey and fertilize the egg.


Over time, a woman who has unprotected sex has an 80% chance of becoming pregnant.

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ya you're right avman, that is misleading. as well, the fact about sperm outside the vagina, as long as its close to the mouth, it can get inside and you can get pregnant, but it is only likely if you're ovulating. but you have to consider your cycle. if your period is like 5 days, so say you're on day five, sperm can survive up to 5 days inside you, so its still ok, but if you were fooling around day 8 or 9, like a little after your period, there would still be a chance. but yes, you shouldnt worry in your case, because the chances are veryyyy slim. but just keep in mind the above for future.

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I've also heard of women getting pregnant while on their period. This especially occurs with women who do not have a steady cycle. Which means, they can pretty much ovulate at any time and wouldn't always know it. However, it is a slim chance to get pregnant while on your period or as goddess mentioned, you have to be careful of what day you're on. BUT, always using some sort of protection or just being careful of your actions and being reasonable and responsible can put your mind at ease.

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