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Need some quick advice - Conflicting thoughts on NC


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I've been working on doing the 30 day NC challenge here, when I was thrown a curevball. My ex texted me yesterday afternoon with the "How've you been, haven't heard from you" line after 20 days of NC. So far I haven't responded, but I always feel really bad leaving someone's texts unanswered. However, I suppose NC means NC.


One thing that's been going on this week is that I have been busy getting ready to go away for a friend's bachelor party. Someone said that sending a simple text saying I'm busy getting ready for the trip, but I can talk next week might work (It does show that I'm going out and having fun - It might show higher value, and show that I'm out of her power if I mention it's a bachelor party) But since I am trying my damndest to do 30 days of NC, should I just forget about it and wait to talk to her when she contacts me after the initial 30 days of NC are up? To add to it, she has a boyfriend, and I've been told that if that's the case to just go flat-out NC and never talk to her unless it's about reconciliation.

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I agree with Chris Knows....in times like these, silence is golden. DON'T RESPOND. There's a good possibility she got wind of this bachelor party, and is fishing to see if you're going. She has a boyfriend, so her concern right now is not because she wants you back, but because given it's a bachelor party the fun you all are going to have, or that there might be women there or around especially if you go to a bar, etc. In other words, don't give her any idea of what you're doing, who you're doing it with, or any form of anything. Let her stew that she isn't hearing back from you, and also that you aren't feeding into her fishing. Don't feed the fish!

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NC all the way - I had a how are you text too that was 5 days ago, I didn't answer and have had nothing since. Trust me from past experience don't answer because she more than likely won't respond anyway, it's just to get her power and control back over you.

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Alright, an update:


Turns out she's moving in with her new boyfriend next week and she wants to mail me back some stuff of mine she still has and needs my address.


I'm not as busted up as I thought I'd be, so if it's something for, like, getting my stuff back, is it safe to just send her my address?

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