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The Whole NC Theory...


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Hi this is my first time on this forum, but ive been on a few since my break so I'd like some imput please... Also I've been reading since the first page and I'm on 25 so far yikes... I hope the people with great advice still check this


"The story of me and Lyndi"


So we were dating 11 months, she broke up with me feb 10 2011. * I cheated on her in December and we got past that that night. Then a week before the superbowl she found her friend who was borderline gay and she knew for 4 years, she told me she never liked him and who was out of her life since the summer. She was spending days with him and she claims he is her bestfriend now and one night she stayed at his house and didn't let neither her parents or me know she stayed. The next day her mom texts me and asked if I know where she is at? I say no, then that morning she finally texts me saying sorry and I called her and she was crying up a storm and I was just shrugging off her tears cause I was mad. So later that day I forgive her and I call her up like I usually do at night and she says she is with "him" again and that she coincidentally saw him at the library. So I get mad again, but I don't make a big deal about it.


Now it's the Saturday before the superbowl and I'm hanging with my friend at the mall and she texts me and I get annoyed with her cause I'm trying to spend time with my friend and eventually we argue and I say I'm going to get girls numbers and I don't talk to her until that Monday. So she told me beforehand she was going to his house to watch the superbowl and she wanted me to go but I said I'd rather watch the superbowl with my friends. And I don't think about talking to her cause I was watching the game and drinking all day.

So it's the Thursday after the superbowl feb 10. I finally change my relationship status to "in a relationship" and she texts me and asks y I did that. I said I know u wanted me to before and I didnt want people to know my business but I don't care now I love u. And then she says I have doubts about us, and I am supposed to miss u? Cause I haven't this week. She also says she is dealing with a lot with her mom nagging her and her grandfather dying in her house and she has bills she can't pay cause they have been giving her 1 day a week. So I get all emotional and crazy for 3 weeks. During the craziness, I cried on the phone to her and begged and pleaded saying I would change. I told her all the plans I had for us and she said she needed time to think and during that time she was would hangout with that guy and eventually she said she was done with me and I found out she is going out with him. i was talking to her mom about everything and her mom reported back to her cause her mom wants me back in her life, and then she would get pissed at me. I was told her boyfriend was a bad guy and does drugs and sells them so i got him to sell me drugs but she said i don't care he said he is gonna stop smoking for me and he doesn't deal. And he doesn't do drugs and hates them herself. And cause of the tension in her house she moves to his house for a week or so. Then she says she doesnt want to lose me and wants to he friends so I give her an ultimatum saying either marry me or I'm gone from ur life and she has until Sunday to give me an answer. And during this period she moves out of his house and back into her moms house.


* We meet up at the mall to hangout first like old times but, she felt distant and not interested so after we hung-out I decided I didn't want her answer so I gave her a kiss on her head said "see you around" and walked away from her car. After about 2 minutes of walking I look back and she is walking towards me all sad. So I walk back to her car and talk things over and she wouldn't give me an answer about marriage but we ended up making out, she said she was done with the other guy, because he proposed then left for over a week and still hasn't contacted her and he always randomly leaves. So we go back in the mall and have a good time shopping. We go back to her house which is an hour away from mine and I stay there for 4 days. She felt distant again so I had a talk with her and then after that she was happy and fun-loving like usual. Then she went back to being distant after a day and I talk with her again and she says she doesn't love me and she doesn't know y she brought me to her house. So the next day I'm all Mopey at her house and eventually started crying in a separate room and she says I broke her heart and she needs to fix it and she doesn't know if we will get together, she doesn't know the future. So she drops me off home and I whisper in her ear "remember me" and gave her the ticket stub of our first date Which was remember me. The next day I apologize for crying and starting things with her mother, cause her mom was pissed for what she did to me again. So 5 days go by and I don't really have contact with her and I see on the Internet that she and that guy are saying "I love u forever" and things like that. So I call up her mom once again and explain what happened and then my ex texts me and says y did u start things again? I say I'm sorry and I wanna be there for her I won't intrude in her life again. So then the other guys mother comments and says leave my Daughter in law alone. So I realize they are engaged.


* I thought she loved me and wanted to marry me. Makes no sense to me, I'm so confused. I hangout with her cousin and her cousins boyfriend cause they asked me to and I haven't had contact with her for 5 days and she texts me saying: y r u hanging with her and she's done with her cousin now. And I go to pick up my remaining things from her house and she had hatred in her eyes and basically pushed me out of her house. And I text her later to see y she was so mad and she says twice, "I don't have to explain anything to u" and eventually says she will stay out of my life forever. She was having a party in her house and made the whole house mad at her because of what she did, and she was sounding jealous. She had a fight with her mom because she pushed me out of her house and now she moved her things into his house. I texted the next day saying I know she wanted me in her life and she said she was a little to hard on me the other day. This situation is so confusing.

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Since the situation we have had LC and one of the days she texted me saying y are you talking to my mom again, so I ignore her for about an hour and she texts me 10 times also saying she won't be mad she just wants to know. So then I say I need space and she says what we have been doing is giving space. So that turns into a 8 hour text message day in which we talk about the things I did wrong and told her the reasons I did them and she was very interested in those. So the next day she is distant again so told her still has feelings for me and we need to meet up and sort this out and she says i dont know if I have feelings for you and i don't know if I wanna meet up with you but she will think about meeting up. So since then i asked her if she thought about it she said she hasn't. So now Im just keeping LC and let her rebound relationship take it's toll without my interference. I wish I could of taken things NC from the start.

Oh and also we were each others "first" as well as "first love

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