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I have two question....(??)

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1) Well today was the first time I give my boyfriend a blowjob. So far he's madly in love with the technique that invloves: Sucking, moving up and down, and using a little bit of tongue like every 15 seconds. Is there any other things I can do just to make it even better?




2) So I'm thinking of sex maybe and fingering...i'm so self-conscious about my pubs. Should I just leave the hair. I trim it but it grows pretty fast about half an inch in length is somewhat the lengh its usually at. I guess what i'm mainly trying to ask is..do I have to shave off my vaginal pubic hair? I know that it doesn't have to be all shaven off it can be trimmed. I just want to know cause me im so self- conscious.


So please anything will do. Thanks a bunch.

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Unfortunately there isn't really much advice someone can give you about oral sex. The problem with advice about this is that everyone is different.

Different people enjoy different things and different sensations. What might be great for one bloke might be uncomfortable for another. My advice would be to find out what he enjoys from him.


In regards to pubic hair, I dont think you need to shave it all off unless you actually want to, but I wouldnt say it was a requirement. I have never shaved mine and I haven't had any complaints that it hasn't been completely shaved. Obviously it is better to keep it under control mainly for your own hygeine rather than for a sexual reason. Just keeping it trimmed down is perfectly ok, and you'll find that most women adopt this approach of keeping it trimmed down rather than shaving it all off.


I hope this helps. Good luck.

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Hey!! Look at some past posts about Blow Jobs, or oral sex and you will find a ton of information and tips or techniques.


As for you're other question. Like many said, by that time, he isn't going to mind about your hair down there. However, there is something I noticed about this.


I was giving my boyfriend blow jobs for about 2 months before he went down on me. We are both very comfortable with each other, but he just never went down there. He'd get in position to do it, and then just not do it at all. He said there was nothing wrong with me, but he just wanted to see what it's like down there. (We're both virgins and apparently he never saw what a vagina looked like from that angle).


This went on for like 2 months where he would just go down there and look. At first I thought I smelled, but then again I shower twice a day and know for a fact that I don't. So then I thought it was because of my pubs, and he didn't like them. I decided to shave it. Everything. IT's like I'm 12 again, lol. And after I shaved it, he went down there for the first REAL time....... so I dont know. Was it my shaving that he was attracted to? Or did he just not like pubs? Who knows, but personally, I don't mind shaving it and keeping it nice and short!

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I don't reccomend shaving your pubic hair. It isn't necessary, plus your hair is there for a reason: to protect your tender parts from friction and bumping.


I shaved my pubic hair once when I was around 19 because I had met a boy and I was self-consious that maybe I had too much hair. Was that a mistake! I got a hideous rash that wouldn't quit and the friction when I walked was excruciating. As the hair grew in it tickled so badly that I couldn't help but stand in the street and scratch! I had to put off sex for nearly three weeks as I didn't want to get my irritated, exposed skin anywhere near sex (and risk contracting something). So if you want to keep the pubes short, cut them down a little.


Your boyfrind will desire you as much if you don't shave or cut your pubes. He really won't care. He wants YOU!


And if it is a requirement of a man that you shave, agree to do it ONLY if he shaves his balls first!


Re: oral sex. It is your boyfriends responsibility to give you instructions on how he wants to get sucked off. He needs to give you guidance WHILE YOU ARE DOING IT as no one is a mind reader. Each person likes different things, and we must communicate our wants to our partners.


The blanket rule I have re: blow jobs is this: no teeth, lots of saliva, and move your hand up and down his shaft at the same pace you suck the head.

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Well, obviously Akiva didn't have a clue as to how to shave her pubic region, and that's why she got so irritated.


This is what I do, and I have never been itchy or gotten a rash at all. Its just been completely smooth and I love it.


1.) Take a hot shower or bath and let your pubic area soak in WARM water for 10 minutes prior to shaving. This helps open your pores and prevents those nice little red bumps.


2.) Use some sort of shaving cream, I recommend something for sensitive skin. Load up the area. Don't be afraid to use the shaving cream either. (You may want to get unscented if you are allergic to fragrances)


3.) Use a NEW razor.


4.) Shave with hair growth to get most of the hair off. Shaving this way will also prevent those itchy bumps. RInse off, and re-apply shaving cream. This time SLOWLY and CAREFULLY shave against hair growth.


5.) WHen you are done shaving, rinse your pubic area with cold water to close your pores so you don't get any irritation.


6.) When you get out of the shower, dry off, and put regular deodarent on the area you just shaved. You could also use hydrocortizone, neosporin, something like that on the area.


Thats pretty much it!

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Blowjobs: Each person is different.


Pubic hair: Do you enjoy chewing on hair? I don't think many people do. Hence why people shave their pubs. I know I don't like eating out a freaky-bush, so I shave myself and my girlfriend does the same. Conversation and communication with your significant other will get you the answers you need.

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Everyone had something and now it makes me think. Cause I don't really want to shave my pubic area. I'm all shy. But anyways, that last post has a good point. I just think its too much of a hassel. It does make it look younger too. Man thank god this website is so open to things if not I would never find anyone to talk to this about. Thanks to everyone for their posts.

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It grows back, and you gain a higher level of sensation without the pubs. It's not much of a hassle, other than the first time. I shave once or twice a week when I shower in the morning, and that's ample. If you really want, shave it once, and then apply Veet or something to slow regrowth, or something else to speed growth. Remember after trimming (if you intend to shave) to go down first, prolly twice, and then make one pass back up (if you want the smooth baby's bottom feel).

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  • 2 weeks later...


Theres a something (muscle or something) between their balls and their anus. While you're giving him head try rubbing that area if you don't already.


About the shaving thing:

When I first started having oral sex and all that stuff I had the same questions. I talked to some of my close guy friends about it and found out that guys aren't really as..uh..how do I put it?..anal? about that sorta stuff as I thought they were. If you feel more confterble shaving then shave. I've been with my boyfriend forever (seems like it sometimes, lol) and he doesn't seem to mind if I skipped shavung that area that day or not.

Doubt I helped but hey,


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