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My close ex-gf and my current gf: confusion and stress.

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Before I get started, here's the background:


H: I've known her since my first year of college and we dated for 3 years. In that period of time, we were very much in love, and even today, we're still very close friends.


J: I started dating her about 6 months ago, and although she's a perfectly nice person, and we're going along smoothly, something just doesn't feel right about us being together.


So for about the last month or so, I've really considered leaving J. This's her first real relationship, and it definitely shows. I'm having to go through and teach her so many things about dating and it's becoming tiresome. She's also very conservative and it makes me feel like I have to run this relationship with one hand tied behind me. Tie this in with more time spent with H...I'm beginning to think I should be with H.

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