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your opinion on cutting

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It says to me that they really need to talk to a safe person...they need some attention, they need to know someone else can understand their pain, that someone else is listening.


It says to me they have too much time on their hands and that they need to find other ways to express anger, pain, and frustration--- like taking out their anger on a a boxing bag, or seeing how much they can lift with a weight bar in the gym, making new friends that are better listeners and people you feel safe expressing yourself with.


Cutting is NOT a safe way to express yourself. It's not a status symbol, it's not something to be proud of. It's energy could be used in more productive ways in bettering your life and finding other positive ways to make your life a happier place to live.

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I don't judge anyone who does this - as in, I don't think they're doing it "for attention". Instead, I think they experience intense self-loathing, and I'm just deeply sad we live in a world where we can't show enough love to each other to prevent these kinds of feelings. I also think cutters are going to be very sad when they see the permanent physical scars they have left on their bodies, due to their own self-mutilation.


If you are a cutter, please, work out at the gym, run, swim, bike, anything that is beneficial to your body as opposed to hurting it. I agree with the above poster who said that people often cut to "feel alive". Well - working your body out in a healthy physical way will definitely invigorate you. I know it sounds kind of trite in the face of all that you are dealing with internally, but please - don't treat yourselves as badly as others have may have treated you.


love, Scout

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You're very welcome. I wrote it from the heart. Obviously, if you are a cutter, you experience some very intense emotions. I promise you that intensity can be redirected into positive energy that can make an incredible difference not only in your own life, but in the lives of others as well.

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I did not know that some people would cut themselves before being acquainted with this site.


I don't think cutters do it consciously in order to be the center of attention. I think they don't really know why they do it. We all "do" self-destructive things that we don't understand very well sometimes (i.e. chasing away someone we like). The human mind is so complexe and contradictory at times!


I have the feeling that cutters have MAJOR emotional or psychological issues and that they really need professional help. I don't think cutting should be taken lightly.


I don't think there is a moral issue whether it is wrong or right. I think that cutting is a reflection of a major problem and I don't think ANY cutter does it on purpose. Nobody choses freely to destroy themselves.


Anyway, if you are a cutter, you should seek help immediately before things get out of hand.




1. Was there any significant abuse (violence, sexual or physical abuse) when you were younger?


2. Are you seeing someone (therapist) for this problem?


3. How did your parents, teachers, school counsellors reacted when they found out you cut?


To Meagan : Knowing that you cut makes me very sad.I don't know what to tell you, except to take care of yourself. I hope things get better.

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I don't see cutting as something wrong. Some people when they get all wound up they will smoke or drink away their problems. Cutting is just another addiction. Not a cry for attention, because if that was the case then everyone who smoked, gambled or drinks would be crying out for attention. My best friend is a 'cutter.' It relievs your pain, maybe for a few minutes maybe for that day. I don't think you should just do it forever and I do hope the people who do cut can work their way out of it and not do it anymore but I don't judge when it comes to that. It's an addiction.



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Well, My ex girlfriend used to be a cutter. Eventually she went to her dad about the whole thing and she was able to get counseling and it helped her. Consider talking to someone who you can trust about the whole thing.

My ex girlfriend said that they cuts only get deeper and she's right. When you really are hurting and you want to hurt yourself the physical pain isn't felt. I tend to try to beat myself up when i am down and the pain feels good. It is wrong to harm yourself though. There are better ways of dealing with anger.

It does sound like the abuse could be bothering you still. Do you feel a lot of guilt about everything? I know my ex always felt guilty about stuff and kept all that guilt inside her. Don't feel guilty about the abuse. you didn't do anything and you didn't desereve to go through that pain and you don't deserve going through anymore pain by cutting yourself. Guilt after abuse always happens. You didn't do anything and you aren't guilty of anything. Stop cutting and if you can't seek counseling. The scars last a life time. My ex looked at those scars and it still haunts her and she regrets doing it. Also try doing something relaxing like medation or yoga it might help clear your mind.

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I'm a cutter too. I know it's because i had a toughh childhood, but i wasn't sexually abused, i started when i was 18, and i'm now 21 and i don't od it very often but i do get depressed, and i did seek therapy, i did try to take up a sport (martial arts) and i learnt how to meditate, i tried yoga, and my mum suffers from depression also, i think it might be a genetic thing, i tend to cut before i get my period... severe mood swings, but i never let it out on other people, my friends are there for me to have fun with and i have great friends, it's started to turn into an art, and i've found myself drawing pictures down the side of my leg with an arts scalple, but i enjoy it. I have seeked out and read more, and i believe self mutilation isn't a bad thing, it's kind of like enjoying the pain like you would while getting a tattoo, but cheeper and you can do it yourself. self sacrification. i don't feel like i'm alone or like i was weird because i didn't know anyone else who did it and enjoyed it. it's not sick and twisted if you have someone you can share the same feelings with. i'm naturaly intense. nothing weird about that. i also don't normally share self experiences but i thought it might give another perspective to other people.

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I think no one has the right to judge cutting as right or wrong. Who is to say who's oppinion is the right one? I think it is just one more thing that is part of certain people's lives that many think is wrong, and do not understand. If it is what feels right for you, that's okay. It may not be right for everyone.



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I think most people will agree that any activity that is physically harmful - especially deliberately - is definitely not ok.


The reality is that cutting is based on self-hatred. That is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. It's up to the cutter to decide if he or she can honestly face that issue and try and fix the problem somehow, other than by the short-term gratification cutting may bring.


No one is judging here, we are genuinely concerned for people who resort to such drastic measures to deal with their problems. Especially when its not solving the problems.

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nobody HAS TO do anything. my father didn't have to rape me when i was seven. he said he didn't have a choice. i know he did. i have the right to make choices too. so do you. if your choice is to cut your self a hole be sure to clean it and maybe someday whatever trauma it is that you are re-creating or extinguishing inside will get cleaned too.


"history has no need to repeat itself; only trauma does." Lloyd De Mause, PhD. a man you has studied the effects of trauma from all forms of abuse around the world, and cutting is one of them.


if you are courageous enough to endure the pain of cuuting and healing required afterward you are definitely strong enough to face the issues that cause you to believe you are making healthy choices by cutting


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Okay, I'm sure this isn't going anywhere except to an argument but listen-we all have our own opinions. Let's not bash each other's. Cutting is like an addiction to any other thing-ciggarettes, drinking, sex...anything. I have started 'scraping' myself more and more. (Scraping as in-scraping the skin, not enough guts to cut into it) I know the first 5 minutes before, while I'm doing it and the 5 minutes after I'm numb. I don't think it's something bad...I showed my mom my cuts and we decided that I need to go talk to someone. So I will get better but it's a release. You don't know unless you have did it before...I'm not saying people that do it should just keep doing it, I hope someday you will get better but I'm not saying it's wrong.


Just my 2 cents (again)



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well i havnt cut 4 8 days YAY but i dnt do it for attention!! i dnt want ne1 to no except chels n soph .... hev is a *bleep* about it n ive lost her as a m8 but she sux ne ways!!! i do it as a release to 'bleed out the feelings@ i gess.... hmm what do u lot do it for or do u think people do it for.... hter are many reasons people may cut try to be a lil sympathetic!!



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