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I have lost all faith in men!!!

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My ex broke up with me 3 months ago after a five year relationship. Even at the end the relationship it seemed fine and we left each other on good terms (as good as it could be). We have had NC for 3 months which made it a lot easier.


Well I thought my ex was a nice guy someone very special to me. I now find out at the end of our relationship he met someone else and even though he didn't do anything whilst we were together, they have now been in a relationship for 3 months!! He broke up with me to be single and promised there was no one else his words were...'it would be easier if there was someone else but I promise there isn't


Why lie? I don't understand now after doing so well in getting back to being me, I find myself with all these un answered questions AAARGGGHHH!!


Now next thing that has ruined my faith in men, in the mean time I met this really great guy, and last night I find out he has a GF!!! again why lie, I asked him and he said he wasn't with anyone, he actually lives with her!!!


Oh and one more thing (im sure there are plenty more)...my best friend found out 2 weeks ago, her BF has been cheating on her since feb!


I am a nice person why do I deserve this? maybe I am too nice!!

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the same thing happened to me last year!I went through all the motions of him promising there was no one else, then finding out he met sum1 else when he was with me, then also meeting sum1 else who also had a gf.


I think the best thing you can do, which is what i found was best for me anyways, is to avoid men altogether. Go out with the girls and hav fun, do things that u neva wud have done when you were with your boyfriend.


I did all this, had lots of fun! I dated a few people but nothing serious, then one night i went out and met sum1 and ive been with him ever since and im very happy. I believe its easier to move on when your not lookin for sum1 else.


As for bad things happenin 2 u, it happens to every1. No matter how nice they are. My nana used to always have a saying when i was younger, it mite sound silly but its true, what goes around comes around. One day your ex will get his!


I know everything ive said isnt exactly advice but more about my own experiences, but i hope ive helped. I hope you feel better soon x x

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I'm sorry to hear it, but you will find a good guy who'll treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Don't lose faith, there are good guys out there still, they are just waiting for a nice girl to come along, trust me


I think you should read through [link removed [/b] thread. It's a pretty good look at the nice guy's views and experiences with stuff like this happening to nice girls. It's long, and doesn't get into it for a couple of pages, but it is worth the read.

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Man, oh man... Do i feel the same way as you.


"I'm different from other guys..." heard that before>?? When later on, you find out that HE is ONE of the guys??


I reckon i dated the King of as*HOLE$! Don't even get me started. He was very emotionally abusive.


Anyways, i am SURE that there are nice guys out there. HOWEVER, they are really an endangered species. We need to just filter all the bad ones. PLAY the "PlAyErS!" so they can learn (get a taste of their own medicine) so that they HOPEFULLY change perspective on how to treat women.


I swear, this quote is almost true "How many guys out there that are sweet, romantic, smart and handsome?? Two! But they're dating each other!"


This might offend some people, but sometimes i feel as though women turn into lesbians because guys are just useless!



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Maybe we should make a club.


I think I'm just going for the wrong guys.


I know one now that's sooooooo nice and I really feel that he'd never, ever cheat, but of course I'm not attracted to him. But my ex, I am so attracted to him, and all he does is mess with my head.


Seems everywhere I turn there are crappy men doing crappy things. I'm scared to get involved anymore.

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Hearing that type of thing really distresses me. I was always that super nice guy with values that none of the girls really wanted, but would come to me and describe ME as thier ideal catch, all the while looking right at me but past me. As soon as I would get up the nerve to go for it I would get that "let em down easy" speech.


I have since learned that it is all about confidence, and how you project yourself. Often the same crappy behaviours that women hate about men are the same ones that boost our egos enough to project confidence and competence and allow you women to become attracted to us in the first place.


After realizing that I had no trouble, and am now married to a beautiful, sweet trustworthy woman that really would have been out of my league any other time in my life.

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