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Hi. i have a best friend Darren that tried hooking me up with another person in our youth group. she is also a friends of mine and we both liked eachother. but when i finally got the courage to ask her out. my friend asked first and she said yes. theyve been going out for 6 months and when they invite me to go with them. it drives me insane because they kiss and everything right in front of me. its getting to the point in which i cant go anywhere with them because it constantly reminds me that i was just a little too slow. what should i do about this. theyre both my friends and i dont really feel like confronting them on the situation because it could turn into a bit of a touchy subject.


I dont know if this is the right board for this but i sure could use some help

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Did your friend know at the time that you had feelings for this girl? If he did, it was rather insensitive of him to ask her out, but seeing that it's already been done there's really not that much you can do about it. Perhaps tell your guy friend that you're rather uncomfortable when you hang out with the two of them as a couple, you could say you feel like a third wheel or something along the lines of that, and if you wish to continue a friendship with each of them, try hanging out with them one-on-one.

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If it is hurting you to hang out with them, don't do it!

Take care of yourself.

Maybe hang out with your other friends for a while.

You don't have to say anything to either of them unless you want to.

You don't need to explain yourself or justify your decision to them.

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