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  1. hey ive got a similar problem going on right now, except that i AM a third wheel, however i did get up the nerve to tell her how i actually felt and was surprised to find out that she also has the same feelings for me. but her BF (who is my best friend also) didnt like it very much and he tries to keep us apart, so my advise is to tell her how you feel. its a risky shot either ways. if u dont tell her and she does have feelings for u, then u could lose her, and if u do tell her how u feel and she doesnt have the same feelings, u could lose her, but from what u said it does sound like she likes u, so i would give it a shot if i were u, but its your choice, good luck
  2. that is my big delema. i dont know. she is my best friend and i want it to stay this way, but at the same time. my other feelings say to take it further. i dont want to end our friendship, but my feelings keep getting in the way of me wanting us to remain best friends. see, ive never had a girlfriend (let alone someone who has ever really liked me back). and i dont want to just throw m feelings aside. but at the same time. i do. i am really confused.
  3. of course. i protect my friends. she has been my friend for a very long time. even before i fell for her. and her last boyfriend talked bad about her with another girl right in front of her face. while they thought she was sleeping. and she came crying to me about how she hated her life and so on. and i ended up getting grounded for two months for beating the crap out of him. (by the way this was be4 i fell for her)
  4. i have a best friend (girl) and over the past few months, i have fallen in love with her. well she has a boyfriend. and he is also one of my best friends. well i have heard from her recently that they have been having sex. and if i find out that he has hurt her. or has gotten her pregenant. im going to kill him. no Q asked. i care too much for her to have someone ruin her life. i do understand that she consented to it. and thereforeeee it is partially her fault too. but he could have said no. i talked to her about how disappointed i was that she would risk her future. and how she had dissed her friend for having sex before she was married. then turn around and do the same thing. but she told me that she was going to tell him that she doenst want to do this anymore. because she has a suspision that he is only going out with her to have sex. and if i find out that this is true. he will wish he has never been born. i had to post this because i had to get it off my mind. if anyone has anything to say pleas do.
  5. hey, i do believe that u can be in love at a younger age. im 16 and there is this girl that i have become very good friends with. about 3 months ago i fell in love with her. we have talked about it becasue i couldnt keep that bottled up and finally told her about how i felt. she is in a relationship right now. but she says she has strong feelings for me too. so i do believe that u can fall in love at a younger age. as long as u are mature enough to know the difference. some people in high school arent very mature yet (i know because i am in high school) and those people believe that every hot guy or girl they meet, they are "in love" with. however this is nothing but lust. i have never had a girlfriend. but there was a girl that i thought i loved. it turned out to b lust. but this girl i have fallen for this time is different. i dont like her just becasue of how she looks or dresses. i like her for her personality and how we connect so well mentally. i believe that this is in fact love. so i think u can b in love at a young age. u just have to be mature enough to tell the difference between love and lust.
  6. Hi, i have a best friend Chandra that i hang out with all the time. shes been going out with another one of my good friends for 7 months now and us 3 hang out and go everywhere together. well recently. i have found that i have feelings for her. and i have confronted her about them. she says that she has feelings for me 2. but she really likes the person she is going out with. however, i know that this relationship they are in isnt going to last for much longer. Darren (the guy she is going out with) has another girl that flirts heavily with him. and he doesnt do anything about it. (actually one time when he thought i wasnt listening. he was fliring back. i confronted him about this, mainly because i dont want to c her het hurt. and he said he would do somthing about it. and that he didnt like her in that way. however. he still continues to hang around her and it really makes chandra angry. i also know that there are several other guys that like her and are also waiting for her to break up with darren. my Q is. how do i let her know that i have such strong feelings for her. without creeping her out. also i dont want to let one of the other guys go first. i dont know if i could wait that long. what should i do?
  7. Hi. i have a best friend Darren that tried hooking me up with another person in our youth group. she is also a friends of mine and we both liked eachother. but when i finally got the courage to ask her out. my friend asked first and she said yes. theyve been going out for 6 months and when they invite me to go with them. it drives me insane because they kiss and everything right in front of me. its getting to the point in which i cant go anywhere with them because it constantly reminds me that i was just a little too slow. what should i do about this. theyre both my friends and i dont really feel like confronting them on the situation because it could turn into a bit of a touchy subject. I dont know if this is the right board for this but i sure could use some help
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