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Im finding this situation really hard to read...


Ive fancied this girl for a while now but recently weve been getting really close, we went out last night and ended up coming back to mine, it wasnt a date or anything as we were with a group of friends.


When we got back we started watching a movie in my bed & i made a move on her, she responded & after a while started to get undressed. she said to me "will this make things complicated?" ( referring to friendship group ), i told her i wanted more then a 1 night stand with her and wouldnt go "all the way" anyway ( which i didnt ), we made out for a while & abit of foreplay, but spent most the night chatting like lovers.. trading secrets & quirks about each other.


I had a positive reaction to this after she left thinking it might actually turn into something meaningful, but she seems to be off with me today..


have i made a mistake? i think ive probably given mixed signals when i stopped it going to far? was trying to do the right thing but i think its backfired...

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text convo this evening --


me ~ "How was your day in the end? Ive been so tired but really enjoyed spending time with you last night xx"

her ~ "such a rough day, had a lesson with my mum and apperntly i was just talking gibberish had a high temp earlier, feeling better now tho xx"

Me ~ "i had like 200 people walk into my pub @ 12.. not good after a night with no sleep!.. high temp & talking giberish, your not ill thats just the effect i have on women you know..."

her ~ "hahaha. i just had a power cut FML xx"

Me ~ "better eat all that ice cream before it melts.. got to be a respocible adult in these situations you know xx"

her ~ "my mums turned into a fitness freak, we have no ice cream xx"

me ~ "oh dear... maybe i can take you out for some during the week? xx"

her ~ "i better not, got tons to catch up on with school work xx"

me ~ "ah so glad thats all behind me, although the paper work is still here -.-, well if u get a free night let me know xx"

her ~ "yeah it sucks haha. xx"


Maybe im just reading to much into it but she didnt acknowledge last night & blew me off with meeting up...


even if i am just head ing myself i dont really have a clue where to go from here....

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Some people are like that, when me and my bf talk online etc it comes accross a lot different to rea life, its hard to convey how you feel or tell how someone feels...leave the ball in her court. she knows you like her and want to take her out.


Just leave it be, and if you want too, text her in a couple of days or call her and ask her out, if she blows you off again, leave it.

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Sometimes they really are busy...but in all honesty if I were really interested in someone I wouldn't nix a whole week like that unless I literally had something to do every night that week.




if she wasn't interested at all she wouldn't put the smileys and hahas in there presumably. She'd probably be a lot shorter and more curt. To that effect it seems promising. I'd try to come off a little less available if I were you.

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well she text me, pretty much as thought, she wants to be "friends".


This is starting to get depressing now, i dnt have any problems meeting girls & getting them home, but when i want more it always blows up in my face.


might as well just stick to what im good at & screw all this trying to find a relationship BS.


ty for advice & help anyway guys

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Yeah dude don't take it personally. Sometimes if a girl doesn't feel it she doesn't feel it, or could be busy, or could be stressed, you just never know. Best to let it slide and not wonder. Clearly you're attractive if she stayed over at your house, so don't be down on yourself.

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no just friends.


To be honest what gets me is i laid the cards out saying i would like to see where things go etc, and she seemed really happy about it, then 2 days laters ditches me. its abit hurtfull to be honest. If she told me there & then she wasnt intrested i wouldnt of got my hopes up lol...

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no just friends.


To be honest what gets me is i laid the cards out saying i would like to see where things go etc, and she seemed really happy about it, then 2 days laters ditches me. its abit hurtfull to be honest. If she told me there & then she wasnt intrested i wouldnt of got my hopes up lol...


It's happened to the best of us guy. Sometimes a girl simply doesn't know yet and changes her mind. In my experience this happens a lot with younger women.

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