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Long story short. Love of my life. Went out for a year. Devistating breakup. Got back together. Broke up again. Again devistated, and I mean devistated. Thought I was done for good. The saw him again about a month ago. Sex is incredble. I mean we setthe world on fire. PRob is now I have a new guy, who in realirt I am much more compatible with. Only prob is sex with new guy is average at best. I mean he tries but he has no clue.....I finally told ex (after sneaking around for better part of a month,,I know, I know BAD) that I wont allow him to hurt me for the third time..... I want to go forward and get married and I know ex will never do that, even thought he promises now that things will be different. I cannt stop thinking about hi,m. Meanwhile, ew man is being all sweet and nice (except forthe bad sex,,,,) What should I do? Everyone except one friend says stay thr hell away from ex, he will just hurt me again,,,,,

advice please

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You know maybe your not ready to be in a new relationship yet. It sounds like you have some unresolved issues to deal with about your ex. You are compairing your new man to your ex and that usually means there are some unresolved feelings there.


Think about what you want before you go any further.


Hubman 8)

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Stay with the new guy. Theres more to a relationship than just sex. Why go back and let your ex hurt u again and again and again. Don't u see a pattern occurring. The new guy is the better guy, and with time u can make the sex better. Just show him how u like it.

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I wouldn't go back with the ex-boyfriend just because the sex is good. If you want to get married and you know the ex does not, if you know in all likelihood he will hurt you again, why bother with him?


As for the new guy, maybe you can work on improving sex with him, or maybe it's just not going to happen with him. But if you're going out with him but sneaking around and having sex with the ex, he's really not getting a fair shake, is he?


Keep in mind that these two guys are not the only men in the world. There's a man out there who will be good to you and satisfy you in bed. I would move forward, work on getting the ex out of your mind if you know he can't give you what you want, and work toward finding what you do want.

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