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My ex and I broke up a little over a year ago. We have been friends since the break up because it was really hard to just cut eachother out of our lives. I really enjoy spending time with him, but we still "hook up" every once in a while. Its really hard to see other girls hanging out with him who like him a lot. He tells me all the time that there is nothing to worry about and that I should be okay with it by now. Well he tells me not to worry about it because he is not the type that likes to be persued and is often turned off by girls that show a lot of interest. My question is would it be weird if I just dropped him, because Im still in love with him and I really want to see if I can get him back. But Im worried that just dropping him completely would have any effect because we have been friends for a while.

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It may put a damper on the friendship for a while, but it may give him the reality smack that he needs to make him realize that he doesnt want you out of his life forever, becuase by being friends and 'hooking up' every once and a while is just making the getting over part harder then it has to be. Putting into effect no contact will help you get your emotions straight and maybe make him realize what he lost...i think its a good idea...

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Ah the risks of not following NC. If you would of stuck with NC at least you would know his true feelings--if he tried to find his way back to you.


Now do you think you are just stuck in "friend zone"? Are you "just a friend" to him now? Can there be anything left for you? If there is you should have a talk with him. But your options are:


1) Keep going with this and see if he ends up falling for you again.

2) Have a talk with him and tell him that you still care for him, and it hurts to much to see him around other girls. Tell him you need to move on with your life.

3) Cut all ties unexpectedly. Be careful with this one! He may assume you're playing games, or you suddenly hate him.


But I commend you on bearing the pain. It's something I couldn't do AT ALL!


Don't worry sexy! you'll get the guy in the end

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Thank you guys so much for the feedback. It helps a lot. Im really worried to break complete contact with him, but its almost like he needs to realize that Im not there for him like that anymore. We basically act like a couple with no commitment I still hang out with him and his family he still pays when we go out and stuff like that. So thank you I think Im going to try to break contact for a while. But with this im not that strong so it might not last that long but we'll see.

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"He tells me all the time that there is nothing to worry about and that I should be okay with it by now."


This is going to sound harsh but picture somone telling you this with a smile ok.....lol


Why in the hell are you letting him tell what you should be feeling or thinking...


Why not go for what you want. If you want to get back with him, be honest be like this whole friend thing is killing me, I have too many feelings. Say after some time away and are over him you would like to be friends again. Sounds pretty simple, but I know it is hard because after you say this you have to follow it up by not contacting him.

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