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What is worse? Being in a lowly position and hot, or being ugly and successful?


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The low social position person may get lots of relationship, but by virtue of being in a low social position, s/he may not get the opportunity to fulfil his/her potential. His/her rights in that society may be lesser than others. On the other hand, absolutely nobody needs dating or relationships, or sex, to be content. Figuring out what one wants out of life, finding oneself, and being all that one can be is perhaps the key to human existence. The ugly successful person has more of a chance/opportunity to do this.


What do you think?

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Jeez. Both have their downside. Think about it. You're a hot woman, but in a low position. You'd like to be higher up the socioeconomic ladder so that people don't look at you as just the 'hot blonde'. You want brains.

On the other hand, the ugly one wants beauty. He/she wants a partner who will say he/she is 'hot', not just smart.

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I'm with Jonesy. I find success, moxy and panache hot, so if somebody has all of the above, they are more likely to get points from me, regardless of what society deems as 'ugly' or attractive. I also find humble and modest attitudes attractive, so combine all of the above, with a bit of flair, and you almost have my perfect person!

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