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Lonely Days that Pop Up All Of A Sudden

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Every Day is lonely without the Ex. Hey... we lived together for 10 years, so how else is it supposed to feel?


Just wondering why some days I feel so hopeful that things will get better and other days I feel like the loneliest guy on the planet. These past two days have been Awful. Kept waking up all last night and felt very stressed all day today. I just don't know why.


I've read some great material about how to get your Ex back. Things that really make you take responsibility for your own actions. Books that explain how you may have done things to actually drive your Ex away. Then they eleborate on things you can do to actually bring them back. I'm talking real powerful stuff that can actually work!


However I'm still feeling down. I guess that even though I am hopeful for the future, I am still sad for today. I miss her a lot. Certain days it just hurts a lot more than others. Why is that?





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You know, I feel that way alot. And I've come to realize that its not because I dont have a girlfriend. Heck, I have one.


It's more to me that I don't have my personal life working the way I want. Maybe you're in the same boat? Are you happy with yourself? I know Im not and I know that is what causes it.


Im slowing getting better..

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I remember that feeling. One day being elated and excited and free and then the next feeling like a hole had been cut into my heart.


It does get better. You can't expect a smooth improvement. It is more like a rocky rollercoaster generally getting better and better but ever so slowly.


At least that was what it was like for me anyway.


Just try not to take things personally and let your ex do her own thing. Don't make any demands and try not to expect anything from her.


Make sure you get out there and socialise and also keep up your fitness. These things will make you feel better.

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Tell me about it. I woke up this morning listening to a song on the radio that she loved... what a crappy way to start the day.


Same exact thing with me John. Get some hope, positive attiude, and confidence, and the next day (sometimes the next hour) its completely gone.


Gradually, im hoping the good times start to grow longer and the bad times shorter.

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Could be all the back and forth - the uncertainty. I get that way too. Some days nothing can bother me - some days I don't want to do anything, talk to anybody...And the hurt comes back. We talk, I'm all happy, then it's like I'm non-existent for weeks.


Keeping busy is so key to helping yourself stay healthy through this. All my friends are married or live far away. So I decided to start working out. Not only does it keep me busy, it gives me something to look forward to every day. Keeps me on a schedule, ya know? It's something I do for me and no one else. I won't lie though - I got very happy when the ex noticed.


I brushed up on my photography projects, woodworking....Are we allowed to talk about the books you're reading on this forum? I read quite a bit, but I haven't found any good books on this subject.


I try to allow myself limited amounts of time feeling bad. Not because I don't miss my ex - but because it's not healthy for me.

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I know exactly how everyone here is feeling. For me, a day never goes by that I don't feel at least a little down. But it is getting better.


I keep reminding my self to stay positive and confident. I'm still at the stage where I feel that my ex may come back. It's only been 6 weeks since she left me, and left me for some fairly flakey reasons.


I'm taking counselling to help me through this, and my counsellor tells me there is no reason for me to give up hope given my situation. I also have a buddy who is taking a positive stance about our return together.


I've also been ready everything I can on 'strategies' for getting your ex back. I hate to call them strategies, more like a game plan. I've just taken receipt of the book 'How to get your lover back' from Amazon, and am about to go to bed and read it. I'll take all the help I can at the moment.


I've also considered downloading the ebook 'Stop your Divorce', as it sounds really good. I'm not worried about spending money, as money does not compare to the happiness I had when with my ex.


Stay positive all, and remember that anything can happen. Fight for what you want.

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