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Psycho guy approached me at gym??


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Clearly the guy has a mental impairment. Don't be a snob. If it was just some random dude who was being creepy, I'd understand your concern.


The gym I workout at, there's a mentally handicapped guy who walks around randomly (he actually works there) and talks to himself, or starts pointing at random things and talking loud nonsense. Yeah, people stare at him. It makes me very mad when people start talking crap about him though. It's called an impairment for a reason, deal with it. you could've joked with him about it, and I bet you it would've been a pleasant experience. Instead, you shut down and took offense.


Btw, don't dress in a way to try and attract other dude (btw, talk to him already), and not expect others to hit on you. It's how life works.


Don't mean to sound too harsh, but I did anyways. Life is life.

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You dont seem to get it... I actually look young for my age and when some random dude "mental" or not comes up to me acting that way and saying things about his mental gfs whom he dated is a tad bit going overboard. I was nice to him in fact when i went home i thought I was too nice.. coz I couldve up and left but I didnt want to seem rude. So I dont think I was a snob,I just didnt want him talking to me and asking me questions like if i have a bf.

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I guess to understand the full impact of this situation regardless, man or woman we have to be in the situation.


Recently...(non hitting on related) I have been getting a woman who keeps coming into the store with her computer claiming it is not hers.

She has done this two times and we even gave her a free keyboard just so she would leave since she had placed a halogen lamp over the top of her previous one and melted the keys.

She also place a halogen lamp over the new one and melted the keys.

So trying to converse with someone who says things which make you uncomfortable makes it difficult to behave in the appropriate manner as you are unsure of their logic/well-being.


In the OPs case the guy was hitting on her and comes out with saying he has dated people from mental institutions.

What kind of pick up line is that?

What is he saying?

He is not fussy?


Of a woman said something like that to me, as some sort of pick up line/conversation I would not be wanting anything to do with them either.

I would personally find it insulting as it makes me feel like they are saying, "you do not look all there but I am still interested I you".

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In what way should she dress then?


If you get hit on while sweaty and wearing gym clothes, what's safe to wear?


Frankly, people are going to get hit on no matter what they are wearing. And, they'll get unwanted attention no matter what they are wearing.


I don't understand blaming the OP for a guy being weird and awkward around her.


Thanks for agreeing with me, it seems most people are defending the guy than me...

People wear anything to gym coz its a place for work out not camp. I dress rather conservatively at gym as I am small built, i wear track panse and a vest. So its pretty normal whereas some girls wear shorts and a vest.


THe point is the guy was weird and if you experienced what I did you would feel the same too..heck even my brother asked me who was that weird guy talking to you at gym..

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