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Can someone really know what they want in the future?

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Hey guys. Ive been remembering a lot of what my ex said about 2 months ago about our relationship, when i asked (quite stupidly) if she could ever see us together again. Her response was "i just cant see it happening", even though our relationship was perfect and the reason she initially gave for the breakup was her own personal space. I want to know if any of you think its possible to know this, and whether i should have taken it as the ultimate leave-her-alone, even though its so dificult to move on from a person as great as her. We are friends now though even though i still have feelings for her, i dont tell. Thanks

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If she wants her space, give it to her. Let her evaluate what you mean to her. Find a way to accept this, and the do the things that you like to do, and take your mind off of it. After a while, offer to take her somewhere or spend some time with her. Hopefully you will get a call first.

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First, be thankful she was honest with you. She definitey saved you from a major heartbreak in the future.


Second, you can know what you want in the future but it doesn't mean it will come true.


Finally, when I talk to women I tend to determine what is their purpose for being in my life. I attempt to place them in three categories:


1. Reason

2. Season

3. Lifetime


I find most people I've met were in my life for a reason. Some for a season. And very few stay for a lifetime.


You can 't just place them in the categories. It takes time to determine where people may fit into your life as you have to get to know them.


Once you begin to understand their purpose for being in your life you can better handle the relationship.


Hope I was helpful.

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