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I DONT want to feel this way anymore


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2 1/2 year relationship, things just keep getting worse and worse. This whole month things have been bad. We agreed to "try to make things work" and he has done NOTHING. NOTHING.


We had plans yesterday for superbowl. He was going to a friends, and I was as well. Had plans to meet up at halftime, either me come to him or him come to me.


He ditched me. He then tells me he "never said" we had plans. Whatever, and besides, why wouldnt we?


I cant take it anymore. I told him this isnt working out. He said, fine, I agree, its not. I said good bye. 2 1/2 years. * * * is going on?


I want an apology for last night. I keep reminding myself that I dont need people like that in my life and that I CANT talk to him anymore.


How is he just going to let me walk away? He has treated me ike s*it for the past month. Makes me wonder if there is someone else? Just Sat night we watched a movie and had a good night. Why does he do these things to me? I dont get it.


What do I do. We are broke up. Broke up. I cant continue to be in a relationship with someone who treats me this way. Talking to him didnt help, and made things worse. The more I tried the less I got.


I feel horrible inside right now. Horrible. I want him to not do this. Just thinking about this is making me cry. I dont want to cry. I want to be mad.


Why is this happening?

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Weve never gone more than a few days without some sort of communication. We have broken up before. I am the one who ended things. Am I really never going to hear from him again? I find this all so hard to believe. I want him to at least apologize. This is never going to happen, I know you cant predict his actions....

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If you want someone to apologise the answer is not to break up with them. breaking up shouldnt be used lightly or as a weapon to drive someone into begging for you back or realising the error of there ways. If you broke up with him. He may be respecting that decision and leaving you alone. How does he know you didnt mean it? or that you want him to apologise?


If you dont want to break up. Call him. Explain why you were angry and explain that you feel things need to change.


However if he's treating you poorly...what have you really lost through this?

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No. he hasnt treated you the way you deserve. Keep telling yourself this, and remembering WHY you broke up with him in the first place.


You will be ok, it'll be a short term amount of pain/getting over him, and then you'll be able to meet a person someday who WILL treat you right.


But, if you really want him back, then it seems you'll have to go to him

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