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Morning help needed!

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Let me share what is going on. A couple times a week now for months I awaken very early, (3am) feeling a kind of anxiety, tension, upset stomach of sorts. I am a type 2 diabetic. I've been through therapy and have learned many skills to change thinking for the better. During the day is not an issue at all! But to awaken with that feeling is frustrating to say the least. Sleep is very important for the mind, and I have recognized just how much, maybe a bit late in life. I have two things of which I use as coping mechanisms, prayer, and a certain face that her smile and sparkling eyes OMG! are such an over top obsession. She used to excite me like no other thought! Picturing her smile now relaxes me. You see my issues. I now recognize balance in everything! I am looking my friends for new ideas that can be utilized in the early morning that don't excite me or awaken me even further. Anyone experience this? Nothing going on any different in life, and I am able to go to sleep right away when I go at the same time every night. Go beyond music,reading,meditation,something warm like milk the obvious things.

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