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Need some Advice

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I've been dating this girl for a while but I've only met her once. When I met her she was moving so all i was able to get was just her e-mail and we have been chatting for the last year. The problem is that I like her and she likes me but we have nothing to talk about we know everything about eachother already so we are all out of things to talk about. We don't really have alot in common because she not really into sports like me. When we find out that we do have something in common like a movie or somethign we only talk about it for 5 minutes and thats it. WHat do u think i should do i really like her it just we have nothing to say to eachother. Anyone have ideas???

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Maybe if you don't have anything in particular to talk about and you're bored, you might want to try getting into something with her. Maybe get interested in the same tv show or something so you can talk about the same thing over and over, but new stuff coming every week or so. It might help.



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I used to chat with a girl on IM for several months on end. I just asked how her day was and she would start talking endlessly. I learned a great deal about her. The thing was that I never volunteered any information about myself so she always had to keep in contact with me to learn about me.


We would never run out of topics to talk about because she would either tell me about her day or I will ask about it.

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