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Nice looking girls and dirty boys

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Why is it I see beautiful girls dressed up hanging with guys who look messed up or bad boys?


They want you to act , and look like a lady which I have no problem with it but yet they look like crap in front of you!


Do men want a sex pot looking sexy and big busted or a church going girl?

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Hi Fantasia,



I think it really depends on the man. I like to get dressed up when I go out even to the mall out of self respect for myself and the fact that I was told to always look my best. My husband on the other hand dresses like he is 16, baseball cap, T shirt and shorts.. to me not a great look for someone who is 35 years old. UGH! Now he does not ask me to dress up, I just do and I wish he would do the same, cause the teenager look really does very LITTLE for me.

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This is all a matter of attraction. That is the only reason why you see these otherwise good girls with the "bad boys".


I could go on and on, but basically "good girls" are influenced by the "trashy guys" because overall they are confident, strong, coc*ky, and funny. Girls are attracted to these traits, especially if they're always in contact with guys who are "nice guys" or guys who are too wussy to approach a girl and get her number or ask her for a date. Girls like strong men.

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Thanks! I think it's a topic really worth discussing. I am honestly perplexed by today's fashion choices for men. When a guy comes to my house to pick me up and he looks ratty, I guess I feel he didn't think I was worth any effort to spruce up a bit. Guys - remember Cary Grant and all those dapper guys from the forties? Take a page out of their book!

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That, or you were getting some looks because you're a purple monkey!! Seriously, that's exactly what I mean. Girls are impressed with guys who take the time to look nice. No, we don't want an overgroomed metrosexual, but to quote an ex boyfriend of mine from Turkey: "Always look like you're somebody. Then people will treat you like you're somebody."

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What about being comfortable? I don't wear ripped or dirty clothes but I by no means get dressed up for just about anything. I'll wear a suit if need be(wedding, funeral) but I much prefer my own style.


What about this, do you really want to meet someone that is fake? This all leads me down the path to relationships and boredom but I digress on that subject.


Well maybe not digress but I'll hold back some, anyway here is my point. I don't feel like I should have to dress up for a girl, why can't she like me for who I am right off? Do I have to lie to her and dress up when that is not something I am totally comfortable doing? Do you prefer if I show this side of me that I don't really like and you are not going to see a few weeks or months down the road? Just so you will talk to me, isn't that along the lines of a lie? Do we like to start relationships off with lies?


I dress how I am comfortable, if I am wearing something "I" feel stupid in than I am sure I look and act stupid because of the mindset it puts me in. Besides If you don't like who I am then why should I care what you think anyway?


I think we all need to be a little more honest about what we want here, I don't want some super vain model so I am not going to wear an armani suit when I go out. I am hoping to someday meet a girl that is fun and exciting and isn't completely stuck on herself with hours of make up and hair and even more hours on picking an outfit, I have had that girl and I am glad that she is gone. I don't want a slob either but my point is that I am going to attract the kind of girl I want not the kind of girl that everyone wants.


I will do this with my style because she needs to fit my style, I will not be able to do this with yours.

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Good points, Dope Star, but I don't think you necessarily got my point. We girls want to feel a guy makes a bit of effort with his appearance. Overly baggy pants, baggy, untucked shirts, and baseball hats jammed over a guy's face makes us feel like we are dating a twelve year old.

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the reason guys can dress down is that it's a masculine thing. Women like to see a guy who doesn't mind getting a little roughed up, because it's what men are good at.

Dressing up for a night out is a completely different thing, that's about showing you've made an effort. The two shouldn't be compared in this way, guys will do both.

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Thanks! Guys - remember Cary Grant and all those dapper guys from the forties? Take a page out of their book!


Do you really want to see a bunch of men running around in suites? We would be penguins without a sense of self since we would all look the same. Is that really what your looking for, a bunch of clones running around.


Very baggy closes are something twelve year olds wear so I can see your point.


Could it be possible your looking at the wrong guys? Why not look only in the direction of the guys your think are dressed well. To be honest I think that is a little bit vain.


I can make an effort by the way when I get dressed, I shower and gel my hair when I'm not wearing a hat, I put on cologne and deoderant, I make sure I don't clash colors and such but really I just follow the simple rules and I don't go miles out of my way to look good. I look good naturally so why would I want to cover that up with wasted energy and time in the bathroom.


I am not, however, going to spend even twenties minutes getting dressed just to go to the store or when I go hang out with my friends. If you are complaining about guys that are just hanging out with there buddies then you need to turn you cheek to issue. No man is going ot get dressed up for his friends or to go to the store, if they do they've got alternative agenda's which include taking advantage of lovely young ladies at any given moment. Are these really the guys you want to meet?


I am not here to impress some stuck on herself girl, I find vanity ugly, if you don't like my style, keep walking, your opinion means less and less the more make up you wear. I will find someone that fits "my style".

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Well, I personally think of it like food. Would you rather have a piece of meat that is "tough" and "rough" looking? Or steamy and hot I think the scale for what is acceptable and what is not has gone down drastically. Why should the guy bother looking nice if he knows he can get a girl anyway? So in other words, i don't blame the guy's dressing habits, i blame the girl for not making a better choice. What if the scenerio was switched? I think a guy would prefer a woman who takes care of herself, smells good, looks good, rather than one who wore sloppy clothes, didn't comb her hair,and then just expected a guy to date her anyway.

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It all depends one what time your talking about...

If I'm running to the mall...I'm wearing shorts, a tee-shirt, and a hat...

If I'm going out with a girl, out to the bars, stuff like that I'll get a little more dressed up, nice pair of jeans, nice shirt, no hat...


If I have a date with my (hypothetical LOL) girlfriend, I try to match what she's wearing (i.e. the more dressed up she gets the more I get)


If I have a date with a new girl, I try to overdress, you can't go wrong overdressing...


My roommates wedding was this weekend, Our tux's were very very elegant and all that...I love getting dressed up I love wearing a suit, but men don't have enough excuses to wear them...I'm not going to run around to bars in a suit...

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Wow, I can't believe this, but I agree with the men. I'd rather date a guy who has his own sense of style.

Every person has their own "style" & their own "type". Both of these can vary from time to time or even change, but people tend to try to match up their style with their type. I hope that makes sense......

Anyway, I;ve dated the pretty boy metrosexual who got manicures, got his hair dyed every month, plucked his eyebrows ect.... And I;ve also dated the construction work who didn;t really have any non work clothes. I;'d have to say that my "type" is somewhere in the middle of the two. I tend to dress somewhat nice for work, but when i'm just hanging out at home, i love my sweats.

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