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hello ! thanks for the ones who wrote me back, it was a week sincemy bf broke up with me telling me that he was not very sure if he loves me, that he wanted to be alone... but i couldnt more and on monday (last monday) i called him for have a last talking(cause on saturday we were a bit drunk and that), so i told him to give it a try again, that we can put all in a waste box all the things we lived, i cried, and it felt horrible, but then he told me to give him first a month to be alone and think, and then he asked me for 2 weeks, to be alone and think, to realize if he really loves me, i cried, we gave a last goodbye and i left... 2 weeks is going to be the first week of agoust and i dont know what to do, is 6 days that we dont talk, and i feel bad, sad, but is this thing good or not? should i call him? i think if he already miss me he would have just called, plz help.



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Hi Sandrita,

Your boyfriend is not going to know if he still loves you unless you go away from him for awhile. Let him miss you. If you are hanging around and constantly calling to get reassurance you are only going to annoy him and push him away. Give him the time he wants. Don't do anything. Don't call him.


You need to take this time to think about you. Go out with your friends. Do fun things with them. Fill up this time surrounded by your loved ones. They will be there for you.


When your bf calls you then you can talk about the relationship and what is going to happen.

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This reminds me of my situation. Look up my posts and you will see what I mean. My relationship began its ending when my girlfriend told me that she needed her space. I know that some people are blessed and get together after space is given, but in your case, I also agree that it would be best for you to move on with your life. You don't deserve to be treated this way, you deserve more. You have to convince yourself of that. Begin the NC rule and don't look back. I know how hard it is to not make the call, but you will only hurt even more if you do. Focus on yourself and love yourself. As I have been told, use this experience as a positive one. Focus on the fact that losing you will be the biggest mistake of his life. Stay strong and the best of luck to you.

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