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girlfriend and boyfriend without dating?

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is it possible?


and how do i approach her and give her hints? i've know people to be boyfriends and girlfriends after going on a date, and get to know each other during the date


but i cant seem to find a way to go on a date (parents too strict) so i was just wondering how i can get together with her and no going on a date



ps. im not sure where to put this so i put it here

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girlfriend and boyfriend without dating?

It wasn't until this year that I found out this was possible. It's just one of those things a person assumes "well if they are boyfriend and girlfriend, they must go on dates". So I assumed that.

And then like a couple of months ago I was just talking to this girl, and then somhow the subject of her recent ex came up. As it turns out, her and this guy have been togetehr for like 4 months, and never once went out on one date. They only saw each other in school. Her parents being strict definetely played a role in this.

Her just telling me this kinda opened my eyes a bit, and did see some "school-based" boyfriend and girlfriends. Others I find out actually did go out with eahc other outside of school.


I'm just assuming that becuase one of you has strict parents, then your in high school, or at teh very least middle school. So having a "relationship" just at school can and does happen.

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hey i dont know how old you are, but ive been with my bf for over 7 months now, very in love, known him for...3 years now, and we've been on like maybe 3 dates and they were like group or double. i recently sneaked him over wen my parents werent home, but we have never been on "dates". we started out as friends and got to know eachother and like eachother alot and he told me he wanted me to be his gf. i mean very few couples in my high school have parents that let them go on "dates". im actually 16 and not allowed to go out with "friends". they know about my bf and are involved with alot of what happens. but ya, its not hard at all, dating is not essential. i mean what is a date, its going to a specific place for a specific amount of time to get to know on another. but we get to know eachother "naturally" without any REAL pressure. we go out and have fun, and he comes over and we make out and he walks me home from school...we spend hours after school JUST TALKING, so dont worry, just be the person's friend first. again i dont know how old you are, and what kind of lifestyle you have, but it is possible. just depends on you situation. good luk!

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i agree with goddess. my girlfriend and I have been going out for almost 4 months now, and we dont get that many dates. its hard for us because our parents dont approve of dating (culture stuff) plus our parents are friends... we've known each other as friends for about 3 years so we know each other quite well.


sometimes it may seem hard, but hanging around in groups with friends is a way to date without being someone you're not. usually when with friends, ppl naturally act like who they are. being who you are with your gf is a good thing right?

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