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Dilemma choosing class...

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So I'm not really sure at ALL what I want to do with my life yet, and right now I'm trying to decide what would be best for me for this semester between these two classes; the conflict is that they both run at the same time on the same days, so I need to choose one.


I can either take an economics class with one of the "best" professors at the university, it would be practical, and I might enjoy it.


OR I can take a philosophy class regarding a subject I think I'd be really interested in... I heard the professor was good, but there is not much information I heard on him.


I feel like the obvious answer is Economics for some reason... It seems a bit safer of a route, but the other one just sounds soo interesting. I just really don't want to risk being stuck in something where I won't really benefit.


Any suggestions based on personal experience would be greatly appreciated.

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Take philosophy because you said you would be very interested in the subject and it is not the "safe" route . The great thing about going to a university is breaking out of your shell and trying different things. Not to mention that there is always next semester where you can take economics.

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