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What should friends do?

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Alright, my best friend is a girl. She has a boyfriend of a few months. I am not really interested in her as more than a friend. But I was just wondering, how far should friends go? Can we walk with our arms around eachothers shoulders? our waists? can we lay on a couch together? I mean i'm not really interested in her as more than a friend, but I am just wondering what is appropriate.


Thanks for any help.

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Whatever you two are comfortable with, I have a female friend who I have absolutely no interest in at all, yet some people think we are a couple the way we are together. We put our arms around each other, hold each others hand, etc. but in the end, we are just friends and thats it.

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i think after someone know a heterosexual friend long time,he will forget his firend is heterosexual,it is pure friendship,if he think his friend is heterosexual,then it is not pure,maybe it changed.

i have a female friend,most time i dont think she is a girl,just my friend,sth. tell her,sth. share with her,sth.enjoy with her...

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i knw the feeling. my best friend is a girl and basically everyone seems to think we are a couple. even though we both have our own respective gf/bf. having a lot of things in common with a girl can be a problem at times for a guy...lol. common: shes an avid poster here on enotalone too. but it shouldnt matter what ppl think though. hang around like u would with any friend. its all a matter of how comfortable u feel.


even if ppl do start to think of you two as more than friends, let them be. sooner or later they all realise you are just friends.


you dont need to be careful of how close you get to your friend or something just because u might get funny looks or smthin of the sort. if ur comfortable wih it, do it.

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