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Broken Hearted Dreams

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  1. well actually i have no idea as to my that incompetant ninie is still running our country. and quite frankly im surprised sumone hasbn't tries to assasinate him yet...but anyway back to the original point... u shud talk to her.. see if anything is wrong with her..and u shud deffinatly try spicing things up a bit. ...but in the end who relaly knows.. i mean we all have our moments... and i personally liek teh word snogging...i think it's hillariously kute in an abnocious sort way..lol anywho good luck with ur "snog" prob. ~Broken Hearted Dreams
  2. dreng333: o well who is your friend..adn how old is she... fill me in in this and ill see wuti can do good luck
  3. thanx so much for ur advice if anyone else has any other advice please do contribute!
  4. Ok hi everyone, this problem is serious and time is runnig out so i DESPERATLY need your help. ok well this summer i met a totally amazing guy... he's perfect...sweet, kind, fun to be with, hillarious, respectfull, atractive...you get my point...and i've totally fallen head over heals for him. i think that he might like me too..but im unsure...(ur probably thinking ...uhh ya ok w/e just tell him...but there is a problem) here it is... this totally amazing guy..who i have undoubtably fallen for is leaving. And im not tallking like he's moving away we'll keep in touch kind of leaving...he's going off to the millitery... and i don't know if or when i'll ever see him again...it seriously sux... so my question to u is shud i tell him that i care about him or just not say anything..im soo confussed... and he leaves in like 2 months...so my time is running out..PLEASE help.. Thanx SOOO much
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