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So May 25th was basically the worst day of my life. I was dating someone for 2 and a half years, this person was the one. The man I planned on spending the rest of my life with. I was devastated when he broke up with me. Just check my old threads. The first 2 weeks after the break up I slept in my moms bed and cried all night long. I never, ever, ever thought I could get over this. For 3 months I didnt initiate contact with him but would respond to him when he would contact me. He tried to drag me along, claiming he loved me still, wanted to get back together someday, was "confused". I went on anti-depressants, was just a total wreck. This went on until September when I told him to not contact me anymore. I deleted him from facebook, deleted his number from my phone and it was hard at first, but after a couple of weeks of this I began to be okay with being single. I was actually enjoying the single life, still upset over my ex, but after 3 or 4 months of him dragging me along I got tired of it.


Still, I wanted to be in a relationship. But slowly over the weeks of September and so I was happy being single, and was being able to find happiness within myself. I put a lot of focus into university and spending time with family and friends. I stopped looking for a relationship, and didn't really care about one. Then in the middle of October I met someone really special. We hit it off and we have been together ever since. I am super happy. It has been 7 months since my ex broke my heart. I would not say that I am 100% over my ex. However, I never would have met the man I am with now if he did not break up with me. I still miss my ex once in a while and I wish him nothing but the best. But I wouldnt have realized a great guy like the one I am with now if it wasnt for the way my ex treated me after he broke up with me.


The best thing I ever did was let him go. It was to delete him from Facebook, tell him to not contact me anymore, and live my life and keep busy. I know its cliche but its so true. While 2010 was full of ups and downs, the break up taught me more about myself than anything else could have. I have learned so much about myself and how to be a better partner.


Somethings just aren't meant to be. And some things are. I think everything happens for a reason, and in some ways it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I never, ever, ever thought I would have been saying this 7 months ago, even 4 months ago. I wish everyone a great 2011.

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Good job on realizing that he was merely stringing you along for his own comfort and selfish desires and you deserve way more than that. Now in the future you know better than to be strung along the first time. If they're indecisive, they need space, not a safety net. One of the many valuable lessons I learned from ENA.

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