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Fantasia 2004 this is for you

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Sorry my Private messages arent sending i dont know why...it just send to inbox but this is what I wanted to say:


First off were in a similair situation. My ex is back with hers and he has a gf so dont ask me how that works. Its just neither of us have chased eachother and I sure as hell didnt go back to her. Now onto you, first off the journey of breaking up is alot like the alphabet. It's A-Z. Your probably at step P right now and the reality is your a little more than half way finished. The truth is no matter what you do your going to get to Z so why make it so much harder on yourself? In other words, time will truly heal you and all your wounds. Second off, you sound very negative. Your saying things like your "ship has passed" and your just "stuck". The truth is your setting a standard and not respecting your own time it takes to heal your breakups. Breaking up is such a bizarre thing that truly exposes our hurt and makes us feel naked and in the dark cold. You will learn to move on. Third, and most important. I have began this practice as of recent. Go home and say to yourself ok as of right now 12:00 pm I will not think of my ex till 3 pm. After that I can think all I want but I will force myself not to think until 3 pm NO MATTER WHAT! Just remember after than you can think all you want. Then after a few days of trying this move onto 12-6 o clock. Then eventually once you find your COMFORT rate say to yourself I will not think anything of my ex until 8 pm. Then I will think of him from 8-9:30. I will say my piece, what I think, what is going through his mind, why this was best for me. Eventually, youll fall into habit of forgetting him. This is very hard....none of this is easy but just remember. All of mankind has gone through this and all of us if we stick around long enough and not kill ourselves will get 110% through this! Its not so bad...just remember to say I came out this relationship with nothing negative other than sadness, depression, anxiety, etc. It sure beats coming out of a nasty relationship with a kid, STD, pregnancy, injuries, drug addictions, etc. Depression is normal but it will pass. And always remember....the problem with pain is it ALWAYS fools us into believing its here to stay forever. It'll end and one day youll look back at this loser and laugh and say your so happy to be with your new guy. Feel free to PM me anytime

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