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Hey. I still haven't been able to get any decent poetry out, so I'm just going to have to vent this way again. (ugh.)


I haven't cut for a long time now. My mom has hid all sharp objects; I'm only left with butter knifes and scissors. I haven't even tried. I don't know why I'm not. Before I always consciously tried to quit for a certain reason. Now, I don't know. But I feel like it's getting harder for me to function again. I just feel like running around screaming, like talking to no one, like I'm going to die of lonliness. I want to die because of the way I hurt everyone by just being me, and I hate and love the way I almost never feel anything. I wish someone could tell me what is wrong with me, but I bet it wouldn't make any difference to put a name on it.


I don't feel like writing the rest. later.



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Well the name is depression. Something that may feel forever and feel the worst thing, but it is temporary. It goes... eventually.


It might help you to see a doctor. I know no one wants to be on medications, but they do help. And since you are a cutter, therapy might help you. I know I cut too. It helps to talk about why. Even if you don't know why yet.


Try to hang in there. Even when you really don't feel like it. Life does turn around and get better. It always does.


Depression is a really hard thing to go through, but your not alone.

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