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I'm not celebrating anything this year. Mainly because I really don't care and the fact I am halfway accross the world from my family and such. Plus I just lost interest. I also don't have anyone to spend these times with so frankly it is all good from here. All of you people who have someone to snuggle to right now, better cherish that.

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I'm not celebrating anything this year. Mainly because I really don't care and the fact I am halfway accross the world from my family and such. Plus I just lost interest. I also don't have anyone to spend these times with so frankly it is all good from here. All of you people who have someone to snuggle to right now, better cherish that.


I'm out of school and getting started w/my career but I'm basically far away from family now too not to mention alone and w/no one of my own to snuggle with. Moved from NC to OK earlier this year. Have both sisters 7hrs away by car but that's still roughly far. And parents are 23hrs away by car and all my college friends back in NC are still 16hrs away. Needless to say I've been out here 6-7mo and am fairly lonely myself. Thankfully I'll get to see the whole family for Christmas or I'd go crazy. Hang in there everyone the best you can.

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U need to do us a favor to wlfpack by hanging in there also man trying to hang in there with my new bi-polar medication that seems to be working great so far.Still no big deal with girls but some of them do look at me and seem interested but im too stupid to know how to approach them lol.Maybe there are girls that like u man maybe where do u work?Always look people in the eyes ive realised that make sa big difference too.So gl man and try new things out!

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The good thing is that it's treatable. But don't forget that the medication doesn't work alone. You have to give it 110% to get better! As for me, no matter how many times I treat my PHYSICAL conditions, they keep coming back! LOL! I have to go to the doctor tomorrow... I don't like my doctor... ugh!

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The good thing is that it's treatable. But don't forget that the medication doesn't work alone. You have to give it 110% to get better! As for me, no matter how many times I treat my PHYSICAL conditions, they keep coming back! LOL! I have to go to the doctor tomorrow... I don't like my doctor... ugh!



Ah yes, meds. I know that they're not the sole sloution to a problem but I think that they can help. When it comes to me getting over my depression and shyness and etc, etc... (the list is long) I find that I've hit a brick wall and I may need a little something to give me the boost I need to get back on track. I just made an appointment with my family doctor yesterday for Dec. 13th. Hopefully he can help me and if not maybe he can recommend a specialist who can. I don't know if he'll be able to perscribe anything since he's a general physician and not a psychiatrist/psycologist. (I can never remember which term is which) Hopefully he can start me off on something like a mild anti-depressant (do they make anti-shyness pills too? lol) or something and if that doesn't work maybe try something stronger or refer me to a specialist to go on from there. I dunno. I've come to the end of what I feel I can do on my own and this may be time for me to get professional help. I'm a little nervous and I feel like this is a first step on a long journey. I just hope the doctors can help me. If not then there may be no hope for me at all.


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Perhaps your shyness is caused by anxiety. They have meds for that.


I'm pretty sure that my shyness is due to social anxeity. (whatever's causing it, I'm sure I have a lot of it. I'm hoping that they can perscribe something for that too.


I don;t think your doctor can persbribe anything but he can definitely get you the referral to a specialist.


Yeah, I kind of figured that. Oh well, at least it's a first step to getting the help that I need.

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Pyralis, Good Luck on your road to medical treatment. I hope it helps you out alot. Someone in here, i think PADreamer, said you have to give it your 110% to get better. She's right. I Think that's what caused me to fail, i didn't try hard enough. So DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN!!! Over the summer i saw a psychologist for the first time and then eventually was put on some meds but it didn't turn out to well. I didn't like my therapist and i got every single side-effect the pill box listed, which caused me to spend many days in bed. And it kinda scared me away, but now here i am back to the way things used to be. A big ol ball of joy, sarcastically speaking. If you don't like your therapist, get a new one. If the meds don't work, try different ones. Hopefully you'll find out what works for you sooner then later.


John, i'm happy to here things are much better

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To be honest, I went through a long list of therapists before I found the right one. So don't give up if your first attempts aren't great. And if your first meds don't work for you, your therapist should be trying something different until they find the right one. If they aren't doing this, talk to them.

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