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when they dont text back


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So far I have sent 1 email 2 weeks ago now, no response and 1 text saying simply "Please can we talk sometime?", that was yesterday, no response. I have been back in my own country for 3 weeks now, the first week I was back I sent him a text asking how he was and I got a reply straight away, I replied to that one and got a reply about an hour later. Since then I sent the non needy and desperate email (I was very careful to not come accross that way) putting things out there that I felt I needed to do, it was honest and to the point, but...it was about the one thing that I guess he isn't prepared to talk about right now, our relationship (I say our relationship since it's a unique siuation, no dumper or dumpee). He was happy to reply with how he was etc and small talk, which we've done online briefly over the past 3 weeks, but anything heavy he is avoiding. My guess is that he is processing things for himself, at least I hope that how it is, and isn't ready to discuss anything serious right now. I won't send anything else, I will respect his need to do his soul searching and just hope that it is indeed what he's doing...I have faith that he will respect me enough to do that...

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I sent my ex a seasonal best wishes email on thanksgiving. It was short and simple. I genuinely was simply wishing her the best. Her sister is dying and I hope she has one last good season with her. All I basically said was that my thoughts will be of the welling of her and her family. I got mo reply but it didn't need one really. It was two months after the breakup and I was not upset with no response. I did however thought that I would het ay least a "thanks, you too" back. I hope she is not in distress and is doing OK. My heart breaks for her and her sister. It's really a tough situation for her. I have since let my concern go for them because it was stressing me out worrying about her. I haven't don't the text bombing or any of that stuff so I'm sure it wasn't too big of a deal for her. I think she just wants to be focused on her family and not deal with any emotions that may come with engaging with me in any way. I have moved on now so I didn't tale as a bad thing. My love is big and goes beyond the romantic. I hope she finds peace and happiness.

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