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Have I become too picky since the break up?

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I've recently started seeing other guys, but it's so quick to end. I'm not ready for a serious relationship, but I have started flirting more and talking to other guys. I'm not ready for a serious relationship though, and I let it be known off the back. They still end up wanting to talk to me regardless, so it's a fair game.


The problem is anytime anyone of them does something I don't like, I get turned off so easily and pull away. I know everyone's not perfect, so I should give these guys a better chance, yet I feel like the games are not worth it. Am I overreacting or are these legitimate reasons to pull away?


Push and pull texting:

--He texts, I reply.. no reply back. No Biggie. But he texts, I reply... with a question. No respond...at all. I hate it, so I stop texting all together, then he texts the next day "you're being distant" ugh. It's so dumb.


--Guys get too aggressive too soon. They say something too provocative, when I'm still at the stage of trying to be comfortable around them. It kills the mood, and I ditch. They apologize, but I'm already turned off by then.


--Some start trying to tell ME what to do or change MY plans. For instance, one guy said I should move to a city near them so I could be closer. Then when I tell him HE should move closer, he has an excuse. That's obviously a NO-GO.


--One guy tries to indirectly tell me what to do. I love working out, but I've been busy for finals, and one guy tells me I'm slacking, and to watch out because I'm going to start gaining weight. (RUDE!)


Maybe I'm just meeting the wrong guys? IDK. What do you think overall?

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