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Anxiety meeting new boyfriends friends/family


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I've been seeing someone for about 2 months and we made it official a few weeks ago. Everything is going great. He has met a couple of my friends and a few of my family members. I've met his roommates, and there have been a few times where hes invited me to come out with his friends and whatnot and I have legitimitately been busy. He invited me to his Christmas party which is about a week from now and I agreed to go. I have anxiety about it though. Its not a huge party but I really, really like him and I want everyone in his life to like me too. I guess I'm just scared. Also I'm sure I will be meeting his friends relatively soon. I know it would be weird if it continued to delay, and I have a lot more freetime now that the semester is over. Can anyone relate? Or know how to deal with this? I just get very nervous. Especially because the "group" he is in is a group of about 20 people who all know each other really well. Of course I wouldnt be meeting them all at once but still. I hang out in a few different "groups" so perhaps its not as intimidating. I dont know, lol. Anyone have any advice or any experiences?

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