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Wife is pregnant with another mans baby.... help me please


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Now she is remorseful and wanting to work things out. She has been so nice to me for 2 days now and is acting like the wife I would love to have. It makes it so much easier to be the man she needs but will it all go bad again? Getting rid of the baby is not an option for her.


At this point any advice would be wonderful.


Sounds like she's being nice to facilitate her meal ticket. Quite frankly, I think she's acted disgracefully and if I were you I'd be heading for the hills. Best of luck with the divorce it sounds like it's been a long time coming.

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With all of the past baggage you two have, the cheating on both parts... I simply do not see how it would be possible to have a working relationship with her. What are you gonna do, sit down on sundays and have brunch with the guy she cheated on you with at your house with his kid? Jeez I cant even Imagine the kind of Mind fudging that would be. Or how about its friday evening and this guy wants to see his child at 10pm, and she says oh honey Im gonna go over to Johns house (or whatever is name is). Ill be back in the morning... I swear Ill sleep on the couch nothing will happen. Yeah right. Tell her you wish things had ended up differently, but they didnt and they wont and its best to go your separate ways. I cant see this ending happily any other way man. Divorce.

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Well. I agree with her about not having an abortion. But if she and you want to save her marriage, she could give the baby up for adoption or sign her rights away and have the baby be raised by the boyfriend and someday in the future, a stepmom. Or you could be filled with compassion for the child and ask the boyfriend to give up his rights and work things out. Things are more complicated when there is a child involved. If you do not, then really separate. One of you move out and concentrate on the welfare of YOUR children and who will have primary custody. And then decide if the house is sold or is kept for the stability of the children. You still need counseling in order to be amicable at least for the kids.


Legally- you may be on the hook for that baby. Check with an attorney ASAP.


In some states, any child born during the marriage are the husband's children.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Of course she is being nice to you and acting the part of the perfect wife.

She is on her best behavior. She wants to keep the baby and is hoping you will be there financially etc.

And once she has you she will revert to her former self.



What disgusts me the most is the poor example you and your wife have shown to your four children these past 20 years.


20 years of cheating, lying and game playing.


What kind of an example have you set for your children?


The best would be for her to abort or put the baby up for adoption.

Can you convince her to do this?

You will never love this baby....that is obvious...

I cringe when i think about this innocent baby being brought into this mess.

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  • 4 months later...

Well, A. Don't pay for the birth of the child. B. Tell her for the sake of her current children and your relationship either the baby must be aborted or adopted out. I'm with you. I will NOT raise another man's child.You gotta put you're foot down sometime.

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