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Are dumpers open to reconciliation after rebound failure


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A lot of dumpers do indeed run back to their ex after their rebound fails....however for many it is because they want the security and status of continuing to be part of a couple...they don't want to be single again so they run back to the ex in order to avoid being single. It is not a good idea to take a dumper back immediately after their rebound fails.

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If this happens, you should not immediately welcome her with open arms.


You should question her motives (it could indeed be simply because she wants the security of being in a couple and she knows you'll take her back) and directly ask her about her motives. If you're willing to try again, let her know, but also let her know that you won't take her back for the wrong reasons.

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Taking a 'dumper' back after they have been with someone else is like accepting a demotion to 'fallback guy or girl' Just because someone comes back doesn't mean you have to accept them. I think you would have much more success by turning them down and making them work for it.

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Why would you want to sleep with someone who, within the last week was sleeping with someone else and telling that someone else that she adored him. Do you really want to be with someone whose emotions are that shallow?
This is exactly how I see it....chances are they will do it again...the only question is....when?


Mine did this but didn't, and still doesn't know that I know she was with someone else. She is probably still confused as to why I won't have anything to do with her. Too bad, because before this happened I would have done anything for her. Everything is great now and I am much better off than I would have been with her.

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I think the ONLY way that I would take a dumper back ( which I haven't yet in my entire dating history ).....is if the following exists :


1) I still think about them in a good light and rather fondly.

2) We both have our s*it sorted out...and we're wiser bc of it ( i.e. we went through dating other people and realised that no matter all that, we still thought back to each other )

3) We're both clear-headed and READY to give it another go.


As you can see, these are HUGE factors....and that's why it's rare for couple who break up to get back together again. Once it's done, it's usually done.

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