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My hearts just been broken like always.

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I am 21 years old male, I've never really had a girlfriend mainly due to lack of confidence being way way to shy.


I have female m8s an stuff, but never had a girlfriend, if i like a girl i try to work out if shes approachable to me and i like her.


I just got back from the pubs up street and i met this girl who i liked for about a year not so much a crush i don't think but i've been thinking about her for age's, She once had a bad crush on me last year as she told me at this time i liked her to but she was engaged so I backed off. Ive been in theses situations before and been hurt badly


I recently found out she split with her boyfriend so when i saw her tonight i could not take my eyes off her, i had a few drinks but then felt ill cuz of my heart just throbbing, we both approched each other towards the end of the night, I told her how I felt, she said SHE COULD NOT KEEP HER EYES OFF ME TOO!!, but she has a new boyfriend, My heart just sank felt it again! she asked me to dance so i did, but I couldn't for long my heart just felt black.


I'm sick of being alone, I don't like to get involved when theres strings attached, I've been there before and I found with other girls, I will just end up tourchering myself.


what can I do to find a girlfriend, thing is theres no one else i really like in the town i live, and going out to different places meeting new people is hard when it comes to girls cause like i said i like to work them out before i approach

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One thing you have to avoid is losing patience. I've been in situations like that where I've been lonely for a while and I suddenly get overly anxious to find a girlfriend. But it's true what they say - you quit looking and then she comes around sooner or later. Just learn to love yourself first. We should always think of ourselves as "number one" and a partner as an added bonus to our lives. Just hang in there and distract yourself with other activities, but continue going out and meeting different girls.

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If you dont like the way you feeling of being alone, then change it, or at least learn to accept it. I'm in the same situation as you are. Currentaly, I'm twenty years old, and have only had two realtionships that lastest over a couple weeks with a girl. The last one was over a year ago.


Your going to be alone for a significant part of your life, and your also going to have lots of romantic realtionships too.


Focus on the good, and when you start feeling hurt and alone, change the way you feel. It's hard to explain, but if you can learn to acknowledge what your feeling, then make a mental effort not to let it affect you, you will stop feeling that way.


Emotion is your brain's way of getting you to react a certain way in varying degrees. If you stop letting your emotions dictate the way you act, you will slowly stop reacting to them

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Your message reads "My hearts Been Broken - LIKE ALWAYS" I've learned one thing: "We get in life what we expect to get." Sounds to me darlin that you should change your outlook. If you go into any situation looking to get your heart broken...guess what? YOU WILL! It's hard to accept that we may have self esteem issues. Start loving yourself. Change the why you look at relationships and you'll begin to attract the type of people in your life that you desire. I wish you the best!

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Dont worry man it happens to me all the time.Kind of like when i go out with a girl and some friends because they want me to hook up with her.Then ill go and she'll like my friend like all other girls and she sits away from me i luv it it makes me so sad.But guess what i got the happy pills and i feel great i pop one once a day then boom instant happiness.Dont worry man with people like us its constant let down after let down we just gotta learn how accept it.Kind of like when i see her phone number on his cell phone o wait another let down i think so? yes!I felt bad again because thats like girl number 30 since ive met him that has liked him.Just learn to accept it we were given what god intended too and if god wanted me to be lonely all my teen life i guess thats what i need to do.

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