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20 Ultrasound


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Sooo I had my 20 week today, and he is still a boy! I am 20w 3d, he is 15 ounces and measuring about 20w 6d, but my due date is staying! He is was extremely stubborn with the ultrasound, apparently we were interrupting his nap and he didn't appreciate it at all!


He was getting into the funniest positions and covering his little face with his hands, it was so cute. I can't wait to meet my little man! Doctor said everything looks good, and I've only gained 6 pounds so far, which she said was good as well. He's starting to kick a lot more now, too!! However, whenever my husband tries to feel he always seems to stop!

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aww tink congrats same here when i went for my 20wk baby was not opening their legs and they kick alot at night so i have a night owl and they kick daddy alot but usually when hes not paying that much attention its so funny its like "oi pay attention to me" and then they kick so light that you can hardly feel it lol.

We dont know what we're having which is killing me but its good because we have now decided on one name for a girl and a boy that we both like. our scan is so clear and their little face was so cute and so clear glad baby boy is going well

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Yep, it's still the 8th, however, I am convinced that they are wrong and I'll go sooner. Baby IS measuring slightly larger than my due date so I guess I'll just have to wait and see!


As for cravings, oh gosh, sugar. I have NEVER eaten candy very much at all, but I am obsessed with it now, same thing with poptarts for some reason. I also could turkey sandwiches from Boston Market every day and fruit juice. It's getting bad, I really could just eat all day long. I have never been like that. I really like fruit, so I try to eat that as much as I can to curb the sugar crave, sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't!

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lol tinkerbell i have cravings for things like OJ and salt and vinegar crisps or fruit depends on how i'm feeling that day lol i think i will pop the week after my due date like on my birthday or something even though baby was measuring 20wks +4-5days and i was only 20+1 i defo think they will come late is this your first tinkerbell?

first time mums i have been told and its been proven pop about 2-3weeks after their due date.

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It's my first, yep... baby was measuring closer to end of 21 weeks towards 22 weeks at 20w 3d, so we'll see! My mom was early with me and my sister, so I'm hoping, because I know how horrible the end is! They don't want to change my due date, because she basically said there's an 11 day window for error, anyway!

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