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I Clean My Penis With Listerine

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While I'm in the shower I clean my penis with Ivory soap & water. Sometimes I use Selsun Blue or Head & Shoulders. After I get out of the shower I dry myself and then I get my penis erect and pull back the skin. I then open up a bottle of Listerine & pour it on my penis. My penis starts to burn. That's when I know all the germs are being killed. My penis then gets cold and starts to feel the way the inside of a mouth feels after using Listerine: cool & minty fresh. Cleaning my penis with Listerine makes me feel so good inside. It feels so good to know that one day when I surrender myself to a clean virgin girl, she'll be getting a clean virgin boy to make love to & turn him into a man. I will always clean my penis with Listerine before having sex.


One penis, one vagina, one love for all eternity, Amen!

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Well, I can sum this up in 5 words: ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

I suppose if you're just rinsing the outside that's not too bad, but be careful dude, there's all kinds of chemicals and such in mouthwash, it may not be the best thing for your thing.

And I'm not sure the ladies would want your penis doused in Listerine right before sex, a burning sensation is using a bad thing in those areas...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Thats the funniest goddamn thing I ever heard. I want to meet you. I want to bring you a 1.75 liter of the stuff and witness this happening. Makes me want to run right out and buy some baking soda or something for my anus so that when I work out at the gym not only will it absorb the moisture but any possible offending smell. Got a better idea. Why dont you have your girlfriend put it in her mouth and then dip your wang in. Might not sting as much. By the way, just so you know, this behavior is sorta questionable, don't tell anybody else. Jeez......

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  • 1 month later...

oh no! you better watch that mouthwash-on-wang stuff!! i have met several folks who claim(true or not?) that the minty-fresh elixir will cause the wang to SHRINK! An average of 2" !!! So much for the wedding night! I guess yall will be crying about the size of it instead of other things! i believe that there may be support groups for "shrinking willy syndrome". check around online!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm. bizarre. You can feel it burning. Ever wonder why you have that extra bit of skin there? To protect you from unusual things. Hope you don't end up toughening it up and losing sensation.


Just use regular shampoo, not even the dandruff type.


Some natural odours are part of it all dude. Our brains are wired that way. You'll find out what I mean someday.


I do think this thread funny as hell though!!

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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

EEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHH GAWWDDD!!!!!! You better sure as heck not get that stuff in the tip...because that can seriously damage your body. Listerine has many chemicals in it which can harm you....can even possibly leave you sterile :shocked!: One thing, however, I really do hope that you don't have your heart set on a "virgin girl who keeps herself extremly clean"....it probably isnt going to happen, sorry to burst your bubble. However, I really would reccomend you stop that, it's very unsafe. just look at the ingredients in listerine.

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  • 2 years later...

This has really gave me a good,long laugh!!Thanks!That's really weird.By the way,I take care of the elderly and there's an old lady that cleans herself down there with Listerine.I asked her one day if that stuff burns and she said it doesn't.Still weird though.

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This was funny to me. I laughed a ton!


flloss his butt crack with dental floss


Ah ha ha ha ha ha RFLMAO


What else ya got?


Of course I think most of us know you really don't. You'd have to be a glutton for punishment indeed...


...and I think you like messin' with people!

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I don't think this is a laughing matter. This is a serious problem. You sound like you have OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder, your desire to be clean out weighs the safety of your body. You need to see a professional therapist before you cause yourself serious damage. It's not healthy for you to do this to yourself, please get help.

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