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David Deida: The Way of The Superior Man; WOMEN HELP!


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I was pointed toward reading this book as a guide towards acting more manly and maintaining attraction in a relationship. I forgot the username, but the person was female. I am about halfway through the book, but I find things to be confusing. I can't help but feel that this stuff is very generalize statements about women or men... I read some of it to an older women and she almost seemed offended by the material...


When "dealing with women" as a superior man, some of the thing said are like

-"women are not liars" they act with emotion so sometimes they say one thing and later another. learn to accept that it is not lying in their eyes but acting/reacting in the moment of emotion


-a man should never let his woman change his opinion, but simply make the choice himself to change his mind if her opinion is deemed better


-a man should always have a higher purpose that nothing including his relationship should deter him from


-when your women is upset 90% of the time its because she wants to be loved, instead of trying to help her by asking questions, give her love first and then once she has calmed and you've helped her you can talk


this last one was the ultimate, "really???"

-women WILL ALWAYS test their man to see if they react in the way an unwavering "Shiva" man would. "her tests may come in the form of complaining, challenging him, changing her mind, doubting him, distracting him, or even undermining his purpose in a subtle or not so subtle way" they do this because they want to see you be the man you are fully capable of being. it is out of love.


Please help women...


Is any of this crap right?

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Thank god I didn't buy this book. I think this is total bs.


LOL That woman you just described has to to be the biggest drama queen for you to be The Superior Man.


The book is geared towards a guy, or someone with a masculine essence... So this would be living true to their inner self.


Right??? lol

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The book is geared towards a guy, or someone with a masculine essence... So this would be living true to their inner self.


Right??? lol


Is this the book you told me about masculine and feminine energy?


I don't know if this book is geared towards a guy or someone with a masculine essence.


It's like giving out the full secret on how to become a Samurai. Ha ha "The Way of The Samurai."



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Is this the book you told me about masculine and feminine energy?


I don't know if this book is geared towards a guy or someone with a masculine essence.


It's like giving out the full secret on how to become a Samurai. Ha ha "The Way of The Samurai."




hahahah. yea, upon closer inspection (reading it), I realize its not a cure all. i'll take what i can from it. i'm actually plowing through it right now...


the last was to not get your women to analyze herself for you. men ask questions, get directly to the origination of a problem to solve it. don't try to solve your women's problems with her, come up with solutions on your own. let her have the emotions that are of her feminine essence. and when she gets emotionally intense, don't walk away or avoid the emotion. be there and use your love to help her through her emotions...


i feel like this book is gonna be in a lot of trouble...

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hahahah. yea, upon closer inspection (reading it), I realize its not a cure all. i'll take what i can from it. i'm actually plowing through it right now...


the last was to not get your women to analyze herself for you. men ask questions, get directly to the origination of a problem to solve it. don't try to solve your women's problems with her, come up with solutions on your own. let her have the emotions that are of her feminine essence. and when she gets emotionally intense, don't walk away or avoid the emotion. be there and use your love to help her through her emotions...


i feel like this book is gonna be in a lot of trouble...


I think it depends on the girl. ;] How about you experience with these theories when you get into the relationship?

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To be fair, I've been reading deeper into this book and like some of the stuff in there.


Mr. Deida tries to do something most won't because of stereotypes. It is important to note, that he seperates the essence from the gender. He describes traits of an essence. Both males and females have different levels of feminine and masculine essence. He tries to describe way for a masculine man to cope better with a feminine female. As a result it helps the feminine female have a feminine essence and vice versa. So, take the words and situations for a grain of salt. Some are true for you in one relationship and some are not. But I do feel the book makes a lot of valid points, and helps a man keep his strong masculine presence in a relationship... For those of us that had attraction lost in the relationship or felt the masculine essence wasn't present enough within ourselves...


I like the book.

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  • 2 weeks later...

-"women are not liars" they act with emotion so sometimes they say one thing and later another. learn to accept that it is not lying in their eyes but acting/reacting in the moment of emotion


meh, this might be true a little. But it applies to everyone, not just women.


-a man should never let his woman change his opinion, but simply make the choice himself to change his mind if her opinion is deemed better


I've never heard something more stupid in my life. What is the difference between these two? I would have stopped reading the book right there.


-a man should always have a higher purpose that nothing including his relationship should deter him from


All of us should have higher purposes, again it's not a man or woman thing.


-when your women is upset 90% of the time its because she wants to be loved, instead of trying to help her by asking questions, give her love first and then once she has calmed and you've helped her you can talk


True, but not always.


this last one was the ultimate, "really???"

-women WILL ALWAYS test their man to see if they react in the way an unwavering "Shiva" man would. "her tests may come in the form of complaining, challenging him, changing her mind, doubting him, distracting him, or even undermining his purpose in a subtle or not so subtle way" they do this because they want to see you be the man you are fully capable of being. it is out of love.


Some women do it, but it's not intentional, as if they don't really know they are testing their men, but they care about his reactions.

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