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So I first came to this forum about 6 months ago when my ex broke up with me. I haven't posted an update with me for probably at least 4 months...I would not say I am fully, 100% over my ex to the point that I would be happy to see him with someone else, but he no longer really occupies my thoughts and the thought of him with someone else doesn't really bother me. Other than him randomly contacting me 2 weeks ago, we have not spoken since I told him to stop contacting me 2 months ago.


About a month or so ago I started dating and I met a guy I really like. We've been seeing each other ever since (probably 3 times a week) and we both make it clear that we really like each other. I'm pretty picky when it comes to guys, and its hard for me to find what I'm looking for and for the most part he is. We just made it "official" yesterday as a couple. We're really focusing on taking it slow and not rushing anything.


So my issue is that everything is really good, and he does make me feel good, but I'm not feeling "sparks"..if that makes any sense. He does make me happy and I totally get excited when I see him, but hes not very romantic at all. My ex that I dated for 2.5 years before this was extremely romantic, showing up with flowers, writing me poems, everything..


Of course I don't expect this new guy to be completely like that (I know guys like that can be tough to find), and I'm trying to not worry about it, but I definitely would probably be more into things if he put a bit more effort in. I really like him, but I'm not like totally crazy about him. I don't think its appropriate to address this with him as we've only known each other about a month and a half, and I definitely don't want him to think I don't like him. I was wondering if anyone has any advice for me or if they have been in this situation themself. Thanks

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Thanks. Yeah It's definitely only been a month so I kinda figured. Plus he nkows about teh whole thign with my ex and I've made it very clear I want to take things slow and not rush things, and I know a few times hes told me he is holding back because he doesnt want to pressure me or scare me away. And we did just actually became official yesterday. Thank you

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