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Hi, my girlfiriend dumped me about 2 weeks after 1.5 yrs of dating. A few days before she met her NEW best friend. She told me how she wanted to move to california with her and leave everyone behind. Her best friend is also on a break with her boyfriend. (how coincidental). I had many questions but she said she was too tired to answer them. I was a wreck. I went over to pick up some stuff from her house when I thought I was rational enough to keep my emotions inline. Well the whole time I was taking stuff out she was crying under her blanket. I asked her if she loved me and missed me, she said yes. I told her I could not be friends until I was over her. She called me about 2 days later and asked if we could go to the movies as friends. Boy was that dumb. It was uncomfortable. The next day, i told her that I could not see her for a while. That is when she started crying again. She again told me she loved me. I did not see her for a few days after that. I was drinking at my friends house who lived close to her. I walked to her house drunk and she welcomed me into her bed. We did not have sex but she cuddled into my chest and fell asleep. Telling me she loved me and stroking my hair. In the morning she told me we were only friends. I told her I hated this situation and could not take it anymore. Tomorrow I will probably run into her at this concert we have tickets to, she is going with her new friend. the thing is she has not acted the same since her new friend came around. She had always been a little impressionable. I had never been an overly-clingy boyfriend. I would ask how her day was, and if she went out without me I would ask if she had fun and what she did. Tonight she sent me a message saying that she did not miss me wanting to know where she was every second or having me as a parent. WHAT SHOULD I DO???

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She is really confusing & its just making it that much harder for you.

You need to move on. She doesn't know what she wants. She says she loves you & she acts as though she wants to be with you, but she really doesn't. You don't deserve this. You need to try to move on from her.

It sounds to me like her friend is influencing her choice, which I don't understand why she would do this. If she doesn't want to be your girlfriend, then give her what she wants. Don't act like you want her back. If she really does still like you (which I think she does), this will make her crazy & realize what she's missing. Don't hang out with her so much, don't go over to her house late at night & let her fall asleep on you. Backing off will hopefully get her thinking about what she's doing.

You need to work on getting over her. Maybe she won't come back to you. Don't expect her to. It seems like she's decided on what she wants & I guess it just doesn't include you. I would suggest having no contact with her at all & if you do see her (like at the concert), don't hang around her so much. Just say hi & then be on your way. It will definantly help.

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