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Girls; what type of body do you find most attractive?


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I am having a very hard time imagining this being anywhere close to a good rule of thumb though. Although there are punctual cases of athletes who take things to unhealthy (and even deadly) levels, and of specific overweight people having a relatively decent standard of general health, the overwhelming fact-backed truth is that being fat is a hell of a lot more unhealthy than being athletic. It's hardly what I would call speculation.


I mean, I can't believe I actually had to type that.


If you find a 2-mile walk "hell" then there is an enormous differential in the way we define being "in pretty good shape". In my opinion, T16L is spot on in his analysis: health and fitness is a state of emotional and psychological bliss, as much as it is one of physical well-being. I should know, as I used to be a pack-a-day smoker. The massive increase in the quality of my daily life since I quit still amazes me.


Same goes for diet. "Thanks" to a pretty hyperactive metabolism, I went for years without having a care about eating healthily and still managed to look trim. I made a decision at some point to eat healthily, and to nearly completely banish junk or processed food from my diet, and I feel fantastic.


Looking great is a very powerful motivation for working out, for sure -- but overall, I can't say that's my primary motivation when I hit the gym 5 times a week. It just feels GREAT to push yourself, to test and break your limits and all the mental barriers that you have built around yourself. If you are not striving to be the best that you can be in all areas of your life (and this has NOTHING to do with wanting to conform to a very narrow and specific market-generated "look", which is rubbish and ridiculous and just plain depressing), then you are pretty much wasting away in mediocrity. Notice I have said nothing about "achieving", and nothing about what specific benchmark is to be considered "best" -- that's for every individual to freely decide. Striving to be what you deep-down know to be your best is the key to a happy, satisfying, fulfilled life.


And I think maybe that's why people tend to be attracted to athletic bodies. The thought process that goes behind the body.

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Couldn't have said it better myself, working out is not just about lifting weights, it's about the psychological side as well. I find eating healthy and staying trim and fit; enhances self esteem, makes you feel better, mentally, physically and emotionally. It's all about pushing yourself to the limit, and seeing the results, very satisfying. It's much deeper than simply lifting weights to get "big" it's about a whole lifestyle, it's part of a broader spectrum.

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I love really slim guys with a bit of definition - nothing too major. Loads of muscles and insane work out guys put me off. It's always nice to look your best but I like normal guys who obviously look after themselves but who are not too muscly and big....


I like kinda quirky, slim guys with something different about them!!

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I love really slim guys with a bit of definition - nothing too major. Loads of muscles and insane work out guys put me off. It's always nice to look your best but I like normal guys who obviously look after themselves but who are not too muscly and big....


I like kinda quirky, slim guys with something different about them!!


You're lucky! Most guys I know are slim with a little muscle definition. And they mostly turn me off. There are skinny guys that are very attractive of course but they're not as common.

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This thread is not really coherent with reality. A lot of women would go for number two, and would find it aesthetically pleasing but would only wonder if he is too vain. Doesn't have an effect on the aesthetic aspect of it though. I would say in general number one is a good compromise of all, where there is muscle, but not too much.

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This thread is not really coherent with reality. A lot of women would go for number two, and would find it aesthetically pleasing but would only wonder if he is too vain. Doesn't have an effect on the aesthetic aspect of it though. I would say in general number one is a good compromise of all, where there is muscle, but not too much.


Number 2's pecs kind of scare me. My boyfriend has large pecs...but those are monsters. 0.0

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Well, I go back to school next week. My college has a gym, and I also am taking a yoga class. Should lose weight through there.


However, I am proud of myself, because I AM losing weight. At one point, I was wearing size 40 pants. Now I'm wearing size 36. That is a VAST improvement.


My point was that I am working on losing weight, but I am very healthy for being overweight. I don't plan on sacrificing my health by staying overweight. That is my point. I plan to get fit, but I am not dying from being fat.

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There is definitely something to be said for being skinny and not being in shape, and vice versa. I have a good friend that is about my height but a solid FIFTY pounds or more lighter than me- and all he eats is fried chicken just about every day! I love the guy to death but I swear, I try to get him to work out with me and he never does.


I *ABHOR* the guys in the gym that are just there for looks. I'm happy that I look good, and that women are attracted to flat stomachs and nice arms. But ever client I ever worked with as a personal trainer, I tried to teach them to love themselves for whatever their outward appearance may be (some people will NEVER be a size 4!) but to be committed to being healthy for themselves and for their children, grandchildren, etc.


I used to do push ups with my ex-girlfriend on my back and that would get her pretty aroused- use it to your advantage people!!!!!!

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