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My girlfriend came home from work the other day with wet pants, it, looked a lot like the after sex effect mess. When i asked if she had been playing with herself or done anything whilst at work she told me it just meant that she was about to start her period. But i really dont remember being taught this in school. Is she sleepeing behind my back or is it just simply her time of the month?

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Okay, not to gross you out here...but she may just have some extra lubrication prior to her period. I'll be totally honest and say that a couple days prior to getting my period I've had signs that I'm getting it and nothing happens for days.


I think a more important question to ask is why you suspect your girlfriend is cheating. There seems to be trust issues you need to work on here.

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Stop being paranoid, some women experiment that thing that you say when they are either ovulating, or starting they period, however, it could be a sign for a yeast infection... I mean, first ask, and then get mad, if you have some other suspisious then it COULD be sex, but i don't think she is that stupid! by not cleanning herself after sex


besides, women are not like men, we have our differences

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It really depends on the size of the area and how wet it really was. I honestly have never experienced something like that before menstruating, never to the point where it saturates my clothing. Not that it isn't possible, but I've just never heard of such a thing.


However, I really don't see this as a reason to start suspecting that your girlfriend is cheating on you.

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I think every woman is different in terms of bodily functions before, during, and after menstruation.

I did look up on a Web site that with some women "vaginal wetness may occur as mucus is produced by the cervix" prior to menstruation.

She may have been spotting right before her period, which happens to a lot of women------and yes, I've had this get on my pants.


And isn't it great that we can all talk about this subject with no embarrassment??!!

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