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Ok MY Girl thinks shes a VAMPIRE

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I asked this girl on a date through the phone and ive never seen her b4 shes a friend of mines girlfriends friend.So i asked this girl out.She said yes.We hit it off i love talkin to her she is the best.BUT yesterday she told me that she was a vampire and told me all this other stuff.Im so confused on if i should still go out wit her or not.Im catholic and she thinks that I am THE ONE cuz all her other b/fs were scumbags.I really like her and even though shes a half vampire she wouldnt hurt me.I just dont know wat to do.Plz help sum1

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If you think you can actually have a successful relationship with someone so delusional, then it's my opinion that both of you need to be finding some professional help. I know this guy that really truly believes that he has a robotic arm that the aliens gave him. I think we need to set the robot man and vampire girl up so they can be nuts together.

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look she has only acted weird last night the rest of the time she acts normal and shes the best.I dont think i would go out with any1 other than her cuz shes perfect.ahh i think she had a brainfart and just got too much into the movies or sumthin.Im gonna go out with her and YES i will be cautious and careful.Every1 deserves a chance.Every1 and everything is GODS creatures.........Even Vampires

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I'm hardly one to give advice since my life is less than perfect, but I would be very wary of her.


A very good friend of mine started dating a guy who thinks he's a viking. I don't mean he likes viking stuff, I mean he thinks he's descended from Vikings. Never mind that he was born and raised in west virginia and that his family is from west virginia as far back as they can tell. Never mind that no one in his family ever was from anywhere near scandanavia... it doesn't matter, he's convinced he was a viking and that he should follow their "beliefs." He's also convinced their beliefs include "pillaging" and "proving the man is in charge" which can be translated into "stealing" and "beating his girlfriend."


She refuses to admit he does it when confronted by authority, so there's nothing anyone can do for her, and because of this we aren't really friends anymore.


I guess what I'm saying is, if she believes she is a vampire, what else does she believe goes along with that and how do you feel being a part of that?

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That is so weird I went out with a guy about 15 years ago that thought he was a vampire too. He sent me a letter saying he would never hurt me even though he was a blood sucking creature of the night. You can give her a chance if you want to. My vampire was the best kisser... no biting... haha.


Alas it didn't work out, I went to visit him and he didn't come see me at all. I guess it was a daylight thing.


But you know I have to say it is the funniest story ever now. I bring out the letter to show friends, when they say they had a weird date.


Good luck and don't wear a cross.

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about the vampire thing...some people who claim they are vampires don't mean it in the sense that everyone automatically thinks of, some people who are addicted to drinking blood call themselves vampires. this might weird you out too though. just my 2 cents.



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There are two things she could mean by saying she is a vampire.


A) like someone else said, she could have some sort of disorder where she actually drinks blood, whether for addiction or something else.


B) she could have meant that she follows the religion of vampirism. I don't know much about it, but my cousin used to follow it and I have seen books in the occult section of the book store.


Since it's so early in the relationship, I think it's really up to you to decide if she's worth getting to know more or if this just creeps you out too much. However, I think your best bet in this situation is to actually talk to her about what she believes or why she said she was a vampire. Really figure out what she meant by that and in this way you're not only learning more about her, but you're teaching yourself about a subject not well known.


I would say at least talk to her about it, tell her what bothers you and what more you want to know, and see what she will tell you. If she's very secretive about it, I'd take that as a red flag not only for the weirdness of the situation but more because it will show you her communication skills and how she deals with uncomfortable situations. That will play more important roles in your relationship later on.

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maybe shes just the kinky type
She might think it's really sexy to be dark and vampish and wants to share with you to see if it turns you on. If you feel like you can trust her then go for it! but don't drink each others blood because she could have hiv/aids or anything! Especially if she drinks alot of other peoples blood.
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Yes she has issues, but you can work through them


First, she might just in the experiemental phase that mose people go through. For me it was psychic powers. I went through a perioud of about 4 months where I read every book the library had about telepathy, telekensis, ect. I never truly believed that I had them, but I sure tested my self, and others. I had friends who were into wica, and one friend who worshiped demons for a bit (not the devil, but multiple demons


However, you said one thing that makes me think its something more than that. You said something along the line that she told you that you here her first nice boyfriend.


This can and almost always means only one thing.


She was abused as a child. Emotionaly, and probally sexually. A funny thng happens when a child is abused by their father (or other strong male figure), as the child's brain develops the abuse become engraved into them as normal feelings. Even tho the person realizes that the abuse is bad, there brain associates it with something normal. If the brain didn't do this, we wouldnt be able to learn things at the required pace.


What exactaly this causes isnt for certain, but what is certain is that girls who are abused (especially between the ages of 3-12ish) is that they either go to one of two extremes. 1. They turn away from men completely, often not having to have ANY realtionship and someimtes experimentign and being involved with other girls. This happens when the father is abusive and although the mother doenst stop it, she appologizes and still loves the child.


When the father is abusive and the mother is either un-responsive or also abusive or alacholic, the child then is attracted to peopel like her father. Guys who will emotionally and someine physically be abusive. Eventually the couple will break up and the girl is then attracted to the next guy, who is also abusive.


Once in a while she gets involved in a realtionship with a nice regulary guy (in this case it's you) and while one part of her likes it, the other part of her that was messed up from her childhood tells her that this kind of realtionship is wrong, that she shouldnt be in a realtionship with a guy that treaters her good. So she will start sabatoging it. What better way to sapatoge a realtionship, without telling yourself that your sapatoging it, then telling your boyfriend that your a vampire.


You can rationalize it to your self, that your doing the right thing by telling him the truth, and you can justify him breaking up with you, as him not accpeting you for who you are. But a part of you knows that he is going to break up with you, and that this is normal, because the only realtionship you know is an abusive one.


My advice, find out about her past, and then try to get her to realize what she's doing. This probaly wont be successful because she's young. (Most people dont start getting help for their abuse until there into there twenties). Give her a choice, ether she has to get professional help, you you cant be with her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Forget that. Anyone who thinks they are a friggin' vampire needs to be avoided unless they are with another "vampire". I be darned if I go out with someone who enjoys drinking blood. Sorry not for me. I like day AND night equally, and quite frankly I don't think it is kinky or interesting at all. Dude, whether she is a bloodlover or delusional, I suggest finding more "day-friendly" girls. This one has got to go.....

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  • 1 year later...

Just imagine if this is the kinda girl you really wanna be with. I don't think being Catholic has so much to do with this, as is this stage of her life she is apparently at. Adopting the identity of some sort of "vampire" could mean she's at a very unsure stage in her life, and becoming involved with her will ultimately be a doomed venture.


If I were you, I would search for a girl who'se tastes are a little more similar to your own. Don't think that you need to just put up it, or hope that she will grow out of it. She may, but not while she is with you.

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I asked this girl on a date through the phone and ive never seen her b4 shes a friend of mines girlfriends friend.So i asked this girl out.She said yes.We hit it off i love talkin to her she is the best.BUT yesterday she told me that she was a vampire and told me all this other stuff.Im so confused on if i should still go out wit her or not.Im catholic and she thinks that I am THE ONE cuz all her other b/fs were scumbags.I really like her and even though shes a half vampire she wouldnt hurt me.I just dont know wat to do.Plz help sum1

Duuuump herrrr! Your Catholic, so am I. This girl will do nothing for your faith. She sounds a bit odd...there will be plenty of other girls, but I suggest avoiding this chick unless she was joking. Then if she is then she has a sick humor.

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ahh i think she had a brainfart and just got too much into the movies or sumthin.Im gonna go out with her and YES i will be cautious and careful.Every1 deserves a chance.Every1 and everything is GODS creatures.........Even Vampires


I watch lots of horror movies, u can already guess this by my signature, three days ago, I was watching the war between vampires and lycanthropes (werewolves), but I ain't delusional into believing I'm gonna turn into one. Unless, she' only joking, then ok, but if it's that serious, stay away from her.

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