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my boyfriend and i have been together for about 2 years. i care about him alot and i thought he cared about me to but i found out he kissed one of my friends i love him so much my mind says loose him but my heart says give him a second chance. he told me that it was a bad mistake and he was so sorry but i still dont' know what to do.. what do i do??

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i told him i would give him a second chance, but i am still thinking what if he does it again. i am just letting my self get cheated on again. i wanna give him that second chance again because i do believe it was just a pure pressure thing.

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So what if he was pressured into it? We have a thing called self control, which everyone has, some people just don't think they are strong enough to control their actions, but in reality we all can.

In case you couldn't tell, I can't stand cheaters. I think they have no respect for others. If he really loved you, he wouldn't have found the need to kiss someone else. He's supposed to be into you, not your friend too. Even if he was into your friend, he still shouldn't have done it.

If you feel you want to take him back, thats your choice. I really believe that cheaters don't deserve a girl like you or me. I would never ever cheat on my boyfriend, even if a really hot guy was asking for a kiss. I know this because its happened to me before & I had self control & would not let him touch me.

I also had a boyfriend who cheated on me. When I found out, he said he was so sorry & that I was the only girl he wanted. I took him back because I honestly believed him (at least I think I did, or maybe I just wanted to..). Guess what? He went right out & did the same thing to me again.

What if he gets "pressured" again to kiss someone else? I believe that if you take him back, he will go & do something else with someone else. He will think that by him saying sorry, you will believe that he will never do it again. Well, I'm sorry but he's not really sorry. He's just saying that cause he got caught & doesn't want to lose you.

He doesn't deserve you. Maybe he really is sorry, but I don't see that stopping him in the future. You deserve someone who really can control their actions & be loyal to you.

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you are totally right about what you said...what if he does get pressured into it again. i don't think me caring about him will cross his mind before kissing someone else or maybe it will. i thought he was diffrent but i was wrong he is just like other guys they all have there flaws and i found his so maybe we can work through it together..

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Uh guys pressured into kissing a female? That's a laugh. I'm sorry but the reason why guys cheat is because they think they can get away with it, and he is. Funny, if he was "pressured" into it, did he come out and tell you or did you find out another way?


I would personally leave him. Cheating isn't a flaw... That's purely a choice. He did this, hold him to it. It doesn't bother you that he doesn't care about you? He knows that this would of killed you yet he does it anyhow?


Think it over.


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So many of them do as for my friend he is a nice guy but i consider him some what of a prick because he always just wants to have sexual interaction with girls.Why do so many of my male breatheren CONSTANTLY talk about sex all they think is with their little head.I tell them man ur stupid and why do u act like that but all they ever tell me is that imma moron whos probably gay they sometimes they think im gay but im not all i really want is mind to mind bonding with a girl some really true deep love.Im more into that true essense of love stuff,just the kind where u can look that person in the eye and feel very special like they love u and u love them back.i dont see life as a thing i want to live if i cant experience that.Im so deathly afraid of growing older and being one of those guys that go home alone and just to place alone feeling lonely.I dont know why im afraid im only so young and shouldnt care but i still do and dont get why i care i dont understadn myself and i hate myself.Like the stuff u see in movies although movies r just fantasy kind of like love mary jane and peter parker have in spider man thats what i like.Is it just because im more mature and know how to control my male hormones better?i do not see many other guys that r like me most of them r like how i have explained.PLz for the women who constantly go for the pricks that are hot and want nothing but sex dont u see thats ur problem right in front of u???U go for the stupid inconsiderate jerks and u dotn see it and then u complain.I know im gonna get some bad feedback on this but how r u so blind and ignorant to see that is your problem.Even if i get bad responses to that i dotn care cause i can end my life anytime if u think its menaingless and hopeless because ive gotten that thrown at me many time sand i might just throw in the towel myself and say goodbye to life.

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Shinobie, I'm sorry you are so depressed about this. Trust me, you don't want the type of girl who goes after your friend, the type that willl have sex right away.

Those girls are usually the ones who have no self respect & low self esteem, so they will sleep with a guy just to keep them. THats so wrong & those girls have no idea how horrible they are being to themselves. They deserve better, they deserve a guy who's not just looking for sex & is looking to love them for who they are as well.

Just because the girls you know or have ever dated dont' want to be with you, don't be so depressed about it. There are over a million girls out there & they all are looking for different things in guys. Trust me, you will find a girl one day who loves everything about you, you just have to look in the right places & not be so hard on yourself. I can tell you that its a major turn off for us girls to hear that a guy is so depressed about not being able to find girls. It makes us feel like that guy doesn't really care who he gets as long as e gets someone, which would then make us feel used.

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I have to answer this post, cuz it pulls at my heartstrings so much.

You wrote:



Age: 17



First of all, I would give my eye teeth to find a guy who wants it all, romance (sex), love, friendship and please don't change Shinobie. I don't know if it's a male bonding thing or just hormones or just society who pressures guys to go & pollinate every flower they can. But you're entirely right, it's stupid, it's actually suicidal in todays times with AIDS & Herpes & other social disease.

Do you know that if you have sex with someone who has AIDS & you use a condom there's still a possibility you can catch AIDS? this piece of advice came straight from my DOCTOR, OB/GYN, so I'd say he's a good source of accurate information.

Those guys who are out there screwing everythign that moves are DOGS, Shinobie & I'll tell you, smart women don't like dogs. I don't care how good looking you are, guys, or how hot you are in bed, or how much money you make, or hot sexy you are & how many other women are wagging their tongues at you, we women DO value our lives & our health. I should know, I've been dating this guy who's been thinking about playing the field. We've tried to have safe sex, but last time we made love, the condom broke. How safe are those things if they break?

I have told him I don't want to go to bed with him again if he is to have sex with someone else.

Well, this past weekend he said he's going to bed with someone else. So that's the end of that as far as making love with him again. It kills me, cuz he's such a nice lover & such a cutie, & we have so much fun together, but I can't put my life on the line for a "good time".

But the whole premise that women like bad guys just isn't so.

Guys are SOOOOOO good at lying & making you believe they care about you & they are just making love to you & you alone or they will take you places & do things with you, blah, blah, blah. The problem does seem to come after you make love to them. It's like some kind of magic spell men cast on women. LOL. WOW! Even if you haven't falling in love with them, the feelings that are evoked after having sex with someone you really like, if the sex is nice are very powerful & hard to resist.

I think God did a pretty good job when he made penises, they are magical things.

Sorry, shinobie, this is getting x-rated, but what I had wished for it that this guy only wanted to be with me. I really didn't find out he really wanted to play the field until AFTER we got involved.

See guys (or should I say some guys) don't play fair.

Please don't change. It breaks my heart that the guy I've been making love to doesn't think the way you do. If that were true, I wouldn't even be sitting at this computer in the first place. I'd be happy & smiling right now.

Believe me, I'm not smiling now.[/code][/b]

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Ya im usually a person that loves to help people but all i ever do is come rant and rave on this site about what im ma about because im usually depressed.I think i want to find topics i can help people with definitely not in the girls category caus ei know nothing bout that but in liek abuse and stuff because i know plenty about that like the problems my mom had with her ex husband and stuff.Sorry if i come to here and talk a lot about im having with cause im trying to bring up somethign simialr to the topic but i rant on about stuff im doing because this the only place i really have to talk and feel comfortable.

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I dont even get why women or men hold on to the ones that r cheating on to them they just dont let go of them. Come on people just brad a hold of urself and say "im better than this, i should not have to hold on to a person thats cheating on me."u should just go away from that and learn to accept the fact that u r a better person then that and find someone new.

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If he did it once, he will do it again

so why do you wait intil you are married and have kids and he does it again? do you love him that much

The same thing happened to me and i got back with him

i have 4 years of marriage, a beautiful 3 year old child and just found out he has been having an affair


love yourself more than you love him, don't wait until there's too late

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