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ok iam gona try to make a long story short but if i dont plz dont get mad..lol..


ok my name is natalia and my boyfriends name is malcolm we first met when my power went out and it was a firday so that ment my power wouldnt be cut back on for a while or atleast till monday so i had to use his phone well after a couple times of using his phone he said well i wonder if you could call me sometime and then he gave me his number


and then monday finally came and i gave him a call and we started talking well then talking on the phone turned into talking out side i remember going outside and watching him play basketball and listening to him talk about his family back in tennessee and then one day he just asked me out and so then we started going out and yeah we had some good times and we had some bad and then one day the bad just took over and well we were through we broke up and although we still talked and hung out alot things werent good enough for us


and then oneday we got into a really big fight about one of my friends i found out that they liked each other and the were probably gona hook up and well i took that kinda hard and well lets just say that my emotions started coming out and well it wasnt pretty well that week was horible for me i hated it the whole damn week


i just wanted it to be over and never come back and well that was the week that we got out for school and to celebrate that friday i had this big party at my house everybody was there we were all smokeN and drinkN and we just had alot of fun and well malcolm showed up and we started talkN and i asked him if they hooked up and he said no and i said well did yall have sex and he said yeah once on tuesday and that just tore me apart


i didnt know what to think about anything anymore i went crazy and things were even worse because i was drunk and high and that just got me pissed and i didnt know what to do well finally i calmed down about an hour and a half later and i decided to talk to him about what he had told me so we talked for a lil while and it kinda made things better but not really


so then after we talked we decided to be friends so we were buddys again and then one day he slipped up and kissed me and i made the mistake of kissing him back and well we ended up having sex and that really messed up the friendship so then we became friends with benefits and started having sex on a regular bases and well at the time we thaught it was ok because we werent haveing sex with anybody else except each other and we were having sex when we hooked up the first time so hey it was no big deal for us to have sex to


i mean are parents knew about it we used condoms i was taking the pill and we both got checked befor we started haveing sex and he was a virgin so it wasnt like he had sex with mad people and i wasnt a virgin but i had only had sex a couple times befor that and i had alwayZ used protection so we were both safe but anywayZ we ended up geting back together and we were happy until one day after having sex i started thinking about the gurl he had sex with while we were apart and then after that from then on everytime we had sex i started thinking i wonder if he did this with her


i am still wondering what all did he do with her i cant get it out of my head and i tryed talking to him about my problem and he just doesnt understand and neither does the gurl he did it with they just dont under stand at all and i need help how do i get this out of my mind its driving me crazy..i really need somebody to tell me how to get it out of my mind..so plz somebody help..


and if you dont wana post it on here then email me at email removed or juss IM me at prettygr1l4life

and heres another email address for me it email removed

i dont care what you do juss help me out..lol..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello prettygr1l4life,


First of all i must say that your post was quite difficult to read (no punctuation or paragraphs) and that you will get more replies if posts are simple and well punctuated.


I understand that you want to stop yourself thinking about what your boyfriend has done with this other girl, this is not going to be an easy thing to do. I think that you have a couple of choices here:


1. You can tell your boyfriend that it bothers you and that you would like to get it all out in the open. However he may find this a little weird and awkward.

2. You can just hope that it will go away over time.


It is up to you what you want to do.


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First of all i must say that your post was quite difficult to read (no punctuation or paragraphs) and that you will get more replies if posts are simple and well punctuated.


Yes, she's right PG. I've edited your post, but please do post clearly so that we can read your text without getting a headache.

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